m i g r a i n e

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it was two-thirty in the morning.

this was a migraine so bad you were seeing different colored stars of glass that seemed to glow painfully bright from within, dancing agonizingly around your head as you dug your fingers into your scalp.

lying on your side, curled into the fetal position under your tree in the dark, you were wishing for the pain to go away. you were too deep in thought to hear fast, drumming footsteps on the grass, too deep to feel hands on your shoulders.

tyler said your name frantically, asking what happened to you, pulling you off of the cold ground and onto his lap, your head resting on his chest. all you could think, pounding in your head, was, "how did he know?"

"what's wrong?" he begged, and you forced the air bubbles on your tounge to turn to words.

"i-i've got a migraine." you choked, a particularly bright star exploding into glittering fragments before your eyes. you whimpered, holding your head, and tyler stroked your hair, his other arm holding your body close to his.

"why aren't you home?" he asked, and you swallowed back a sob.

his heartbeat thrummed against your ear. a tenor drum in a drumline, a soft, steady beat that tinged the edges of your vision with dark blue.

"too loud...too bright...parents might..." you said, but bit back your words.

"might what?" tyler asked.

"might...hit me...again." you said, and the tenor drum beat faster as tyler began to shake with anger.

"you're coming home with me. i'll make sure you're safe." he said, and you closed your eyes, listening to the beating of tyler's steady heart.


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