t e a r i n m y h e a r t

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it was cold today, and as you sat under your tree with tyler, you tried to disguise your ice-blue shivers. he noticed, and slipped off his black hoodie, wrapping it around you. the butter yellow feeling seeped through your bones.

"i can't have my girl be cold, now, can i?" he asked, and then promptly blushed, harp string roses. "ty?" you asked, gripping his hand.

"what's your favorite song?" he asked abruptly, and you scrunched your brow, purple-grey confusion taking over your body.

"um...the one called lovely you wrote for me," you said, his hand tightening on yours. "what's your favorite song?"

suddenly, you found your cheek cradled in the palm of tyler's hand, his brown blanket eyes staring intensely into yours. "the songs on the radio are okay," he said, as a grin started to form. "but my taste in music is your face."

and then his lips were on yours, and you were flying higher than the stars.


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