h o l d i n g o n t o y o u

753 46 11


you woke up in a strange new place.

you heard soft breathing next to you, like bird's feathers, and beneath your ear you could hear the tenor drum.

opening your eyes was less difficult than it was a few hours ago, the stars had dissappated. tyler had come to help you.

slowly, you remembered you and him in his kitchen, him helping you choke down water and crackers before he gave you three ibuprofen, the medicine bitter like the color white. you remembered him helping you take off your shoes. helping you slide into bed. then, him lying next to you, his arms wrapping around you like the colors of a sunset.

the numbers on tyler's alarm clock shine red out of the dark.


you felt tyler shift, as if to get up.
"don't go," you said suddenly, your voice hoarse.

he stayed where he was, holding you closer.

"i won't," he whispered, kissing your forehead. you melt like butter. "i'll be holding on to you."


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