c a n' t h e l p f a l l i n g i n l o v e

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tyler strummed his ukulele as he sat criss cross on the ground in front of you, your knees touching. "and i, can't, help, falling in love, with, you." he finished the song, the butter yellow feeling in your bones warm and runny like sunshine.

you leaned forward and kissed tyler, colors of every shape and sound and smell and taste and texture flowering into existence behind your eyes.

"will you be my girl?" tyler whispered, as your foreheads leaned against each other.

"yes." you smiled, and he smiled his soft morning sunshine smile, pulling you forward as he set down his ukulele and cradled your face in his blue-green-yellow cello hands, peppering wildflower kisses all over your face, making you laugh.

"i love your eyes because they sparkle," he said, kissing each of your closed eyelids.

"i love your nose because it crinkles when you laugh," he said, kissing the tip of your nose.

"i love your cheeks because they're soft and warm," he said, kissing each of them.

"and i love your lips, because they're my painkiller." he said, giving your lips a long kiss.

"i love you, tyler joseph." you said, nuzzling your face into his neck, where his blue pulse beat softly against the bridge of your nose. you heard his soft pine tree voice reply,

"i love you too."


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