2.05 | An Unusual Group in a Usual Class

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An Unusual Group in a Usual Class

chance: [chans, chahns]; luck or fortune.

    Ethan walked into the psychology room for first period, rolling his eyes slightly as he saw who the teacher was. Ms. Mackelroye had been his sociology teacher the previous year, and had failed him simply for failing to show up to her class half of the time. His parents had wanted him to retake the class his senior year, but Ethan had refused; the credit wasn't needed to graduate, and he had little faith that Mackelroye's teaching abilities had improved over the summer.

    Grateful that she was currently occupied with Jessica Anastos and two other students whose backs were facing him, Ethan took a seat towards the back of the classroom, failing to realize that there was a chart situated at the front of the room.

    "Your seats are on the board." Ms. Mackelroye called out as she finished speaking with the students. "I expect you to find them within the next thirty seconds. You're seniors, you should be smart enough by now."

    Ethan rolled his eyes and dragged himself out of the seat, simply to relocate at the table directly next to the one he had chosen. He saw Ms. Mackelroye look over at him and felt himself grow red; surely she remembered the only junior to fail sociology the year before.

    He plopped his books on the table in front of him and leaned back in the chair, lounging about with a look of pure indifference to everything around him. Three people approached his table in the back corner, carrying with them notebooks and textbooks that towered over Ethan's own simple notebook.

    Jessica Anastos. Felix Brannon.

    Ethan didn't care for Felix; he was an unimportant part of the social life at Capital High, and that was the only kind of life that Ethan cared about. He did his work, didn't let any of the jocks bully him into letting them copy it, and he went home at the end of the day, unheard of until the next morning in school, where the process began all over again.

    A truly irrelevant part of the school.

    Ethan didn't particularly like Jessica Anastos; in his opinion she had absolutely no substance and simply made other people do strange things to join her cheerleader cult. There was nothing appealing about her or about the life that she and his best friend's ex-girlfriend chose to lead.

    Ethan was pretty sure that he wasn't to talk to Jessica Anastos, and he planned on keeping to his word for a small while, until he felt that it would be more beneficial to simply annoy her to the best of his ability.

    Scarlet always said he had a knack for being annoying.

    A third person approached with her own stack of books, the last person to join the group. It was the brown-haired girl from homeroom that morning, her sparkling green eyes meeting Ethan's as she sat down directly to his right.

    "Hi." She said as everyone began to copy down what Ms. Mackelroye had up on the board. Ethan could see the Queen Bee out of the corner of his eye, texting furiously and not paying a bit of attention, but his focus remained on this new girl.

"Hi." He responded, smiling slightly. "I'm Ethan."

"Nova." The girl replied, "Nova Desai."

"Well, Nova Nova Desai," Ethan grinned as she blushed. "Welcome to Capital High School."

"Thank you." Nova replied, "I think I'm going to like it here."


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