3.14 | Try to Stop It

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Try to Stop It

decision: [dih-sizh-uh n]; noun; the act of or need for making up one's mind.


"Scarlet." Ethan looked at his best friend with a furrowed brow, "Do you know her? Scarlet Levings?"

Caleb shrugged, shaking his head as the two walked down the hallway during October of their sophomore year. His mind returned back to the year before, when Scarlet had approached him after his fight with Sasha, and wondered whether or not he should tell Ethan about it.

Of course, not everything was always necessary to be known by everyone.

"Oh, Scarlet Levings." Caleb nodded. "She used to be on the cheer team in junior high."

Ethan laughed.

"Yeah, but she doesn't like to remember that. We started going out over the weekend."

"Well, congrats." Caleb nodded, trying his best to make his smile look sincere. "She seems great."

Ethan grinned.

"Thanks, man. I appreciate it."

Caleb nodded uncomfortably before heading into his first period class, leaving Ethan to go down to a different hallway for his. He sat down next to Sasha and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek, his eyes scanning the room absentmindedly as he thought about what was going on.

"Ethan's dating Scarlet Levings now." He informed Sasha casually as they milled around, waiting for their teacher to arrive. "Didn't you two used to be friends?"

Sasha nodded.

"We did, back in junior high. I think she has other friends now. I'm sure we'll see a lot of her if she's going out with Ethan, though." She shrugged and opened up a notebook. "It should be fun."

"Yeah." Caleb nodded, "Fun."


"This isn't fun."

"English isn't supposed to be that fun, man." Ethan muttered out of the corner of his mouth as Mr. Hunter actually decided to give a real lesson, "We're only here because we have to be."

Caleb shrugged.

"I guess you're right." He replied, rolling his eyes and laying his head on the desk in front of him. "I barely got any sleep last night, and Hunter's monotone isn't helping anything."

"I can hear you, Mr. Halpon." Mr. Hunter called from the front of the classroom.

"I'm glad, Mr. Hunter." Caleb replied, lifting his head for long enough to flash the teacher a smile.

Caleb sat up in his seat a few minutes later, looking around the room with his eyes training on a few people in between. Per usual, his eyes landed on Sasha, sitting across the room and paying attention to the teacher for long enough that she didn't notice her ex staring at her.

Sasha was beautiful. It was something that Caleb knew he would never be able to deny, not even when she was being terrible during and after their breakup. She was drop-dead gorgeous, and he had no idea how no one in the school had snatched her up in the months since she had stopped being Caleb's. She was strong, smart, and had the most beautiful eyes Caleb had ever seen in his life--all of the flings he had had in the meantime were nothing. They could never compare to her in any category, and he knew that.

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