3.27 | A New Breakup & a New Normal

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A New Breakup & a New Normal

over: [oh-ver]; adjective; ended; done; past.

"But so what?" Caleb found himself yelling, figuring if he was in a hole he could at least dig it a bit deeper--he had nothing to lose at this point. "You flirt with other guys constantly."

"Name one." Sasha replied, eyes narrowed and voice low. "Name one guy that I have appeared to be interested in besides you."

Caleb was quiet, trying to think.

"You can't think of any!" Sasha exclaimed after thirty seconds of waiting, "And yet I can name over twenty girls that you've led on the past three days."

"Oh, sure you can." Caleb rolled his eyes. "You can't--"

"Gianna Price, Abby Little, Rachel Vorn, Jackie Freme, both Elizabeth and Julia Portland--"

"Alright, I get it."

"Do you? You don't seem to."

"What do you want from me, Sasha?" Caleb exclaimed angrily, "You're asking me to be a different person if you want me to stop talking to other people. I'm just social."

"You're just a douchebag." Sasha replied, her voice getting louder and louder with every word, "Are you honestly trying to blame your cheating on your personality? I don't think I've ever heard anything so incredibly stupid."

"Wow, big words!" Caleb rolled his eyes. "Look at who's trying to be intelligent."

"Stop being like this!" Sasha screamed, tears streaming down her face as Caleb watched on, his expression stony and firm. He wasn't going to take the blame for this; yeah, he had cheated, but he didn't do anything that Sasha hadn't driven him to do. It was incredibly overbearing and suffocating to have her as a girlfriend.

"Get out of here!" Sasha screamed, "Get out of my house! I don't want to see you again in my life."

"Fine by me!" Caleb shouted back turning and stalking over to her bedroom door, "Have fun being single for the rest of your life!"

"Anything would be better than spending another second being your girlfriend!"

Caleb slammed the door behind him, taking a deep breath before leaving the Corrian's home. He drove off into the late afternoon sunset, rolling his eyes at the fact that he had even been with someone like her in the first place.


"I can't believe I was with someone like you again." Sasha whispered, shaking her head as Caleb looked on, his heart aching at the pain he was causing her. He could remember their first breakup so clearly, so vividly, that he wasn't sure whether or not he had ever stopped thinking about it. He had been an idiot, an absolute fool during that time, convinced that he was invincible and always in the right.

Not this time. He had screwed up, and had hurt the only person in his life that he had ever loved. He had done it all just to avoid offending someone who had essentially cheated on his best friend for the entirety of their relationship.

Now he was standing in a bedroom--his bedroom this time around--and wondering how he had landed in the exact same position as before.

"You can still be with me," Caleb insisted, stepping closer as Sasha backed into the window. "I know I messed up, I know I was in the wrong, but I love you so much and I don't want to lose you."

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