Chapter 2~ Emily

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Emily sat in her algebra class aimlessly taking notes and staring at the clock, willing it to be time for lunch. She rolled her eyes at the idiots in class that couldn't answer a question to save their life. The teacher droned on, idiots kept shouting out wrong answers and Emily checked her phone. Only five more minutes til lunch and she got to see her best friend. He'd be there too, but Emily didn't care much about James; just hated him with a burning passion. Two more minutes left and she slipped in her earbuds letting the rock music fill her ears.  The bell rang and Emily darted out of her seat and into the hall. She found her boyfriend, Cam, standing outside the classroom. Normal girls wouldn't  find this strange, but Cam never acted like a normal boyfriend. He avoided seeing Emily during school on a daily basis. She walked up to hug him. He lightly pushed her away. "We need to talk, sunshine" Emily frowned. This can't be good. "Okay, what about?" Emily plastered on her best smile. Cam straightened himself out and lifted his chin. He always carried himself in a business like manner. "I'm leaving soon, but don't worry not yet." Emily had no reaction to this, hell she wasn't sure she even loved him. "I'm going to Harvard early." Emily just stood there motionless. "You said . . ." He cut her off swiftly. "It's Harvard,Emily. What we have is fun, don't get me wrong, but I can't marry a head  case." Her eyes burned with tears so close to falling. "I don't understand . . ." Her voice was barely a whimper. She hated how weak she sounded. "Emily, you have a death wish. I can't marry that. Now you have a great body and what you do is amazing. I like what we have, but it can't be anything more than that." Emily's chest burned with hatred and pain. "Gehen ficke dich, Herzloses Arschloch." Okay, so it wasn't an official break up, but Emily still felt fucking amazing afterwards. She turned on her heel and walked off with new found confidence. She saw Scarlet sitting there with her legs up on the seat talking to James. She took her seat and sent a death glare towards James. They got up to get food and James stood away from the group. After sitting down Emily picked at her food. She no longer had an appetite after her talk with Cam. Scarlet and James were chatting about marching season, and Emily wasn't in the mood to talk anyways. Scarlet must've noticed Emily's mood because she asked her if she was alright. Emily knew she couldn't lie with the whole sixth sense and all, so she told the truth and said she'd talk about it later. They carried on conversation about little things. Scarlet didn't really want to go home, so Emily made a mental note to suggest hanging out after her club meeting.  She walked with Scarlet until they had to go separate ways. On her way back to math she pulled out her phone. She had one text from a number she didn't recognize and one from Cam, the later one she decided to ignore.

Unknown: Hey, Em. It's been awhile since we went our separate ways and we have barely even glanced at each other in the halls. I miss you and I miss us. You're the only one that knows the real me. Can we please hang out again like we used to? ~ Jay

Emily's heart swelled at the old nickname he used to give her. She hadn't talked to Jay or Jett as he goes by now for six years. She heard his name a lot. Now and days it seemed like everyone knew him as the school's top athlete and bad boy, but Emily remembered him before he became that. They used to spend weekends together and summers acting. It had been awhile since Emily went back to that theatre, but she went last year for a tryout expecting to see him there. He never showed. She quickly typed back.

Emily: Hey Jay! I missed you too. I'm sorry we both went our separate ways and well you became you. I have a medical club after school, and I was going to go out with my bestie. I'm sure she wouldn't mind one more. Meet my in the arts wing after 4; we'll take my car.

She immediately felt better and walked off to class in a great mood. She thought of Scarlet and Jett. They were both her best friends, well Jett used to be. They were also completely perfect for each other. Emily's matchmaker mind started going to work on how to get them together. She could easily use tonight to pull them together. Her plan would take some time and patience, but she had full faith it'd work. Scarlet would be the perfect girl to tame Jett's bad boy attitude and Jett would be the perfect guy to care about her. She smiled thinking of her plan and dashed off to last hour when the bell rang. 

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