Chapter 4 ~ James

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Email Fischer hated his guts. He had no clue why, but she did. Scarlet didn't mention that they'd be hanging out with Emily  when she asked if he wanted to hang out. James could  feel her glare from next to him.  He shifted uncomfortably. "um you need help with those?" He thought she'd scowl maybe flip him off,  but she did the opposite. She silently divided the stack of posters in two and handed him half. James worked beside her in awkward silence. Their hands brushing once in awhile making him apologize every time.  She must of been annoyed by this because she stopped and let out a sigh. "God James stop apologizing every fucking time! We just touched hands it's not the end of the world. We didn't kiss or some shit it meant nothing.  I bet you wouldn't even know how to kiss a girl  maybe that's why you're so goddamn fucking awkward!" In her tirade Emily had gotten extremely close. James didn't know if it was because he wanted to prove her wrong or something  different. He pulled her in and  kissed her.  Her face still red hot from yelling. She was stiff at first, but she relaxed. To James surprise she wrapped her arms around his neck pulling him closer. He rested his hands on her waist soaking up the feeling of this and the taste of her. He couldn't lie this was his first kiss. He heard Emily drop the posters behind him. She pressed herself closer. James wasn't sure what was happening, but he couldn't complain. Scarlet and Jett let out cheers and whistles as Emily's hand moved up to his hair. It must of brought her out of whatever possessed her because she pulled back. She straightened out the front of her tank top and bent down to pick up the posters.  "That meant nothing." He swears he saw her natural scowl turn into a smile. Emily Fischer quite possibly was going to be the death of James.  He smiled and took a minute to look her over. She didn't look like all the other girls that went here. She seemed different. "Are you gonna stare at my ass or help me?" He blushed and grabbed the posters. They were actually able to carry on a conversation like a normal people. He saw Scarlet smirk at him and mouth that  they need to talk. He rolled his eyes and hung up the last poster in his stack. He followed the crazy girl down the hallway, but not before glancing at Emily she was singing and dancing to whatever song was playing in her earbuds. When she wasn't glaring she looked beautiful. Actually James thought she looked beautiful when she was doing that too.  The kiss made him feel giddy and happy he couldn't help smiling. One problem to his plan. Emily hated him. One kiss or conversation couldn't change that. He cursed at himself.  He was falling for the girl who hates him. "So what the hell was that?" Scarlet pulled him out of his thoughts.  "what?" She rolled her eyes. "You know what. You and Emily were really getting into that." James' face heated up at the accusation. "oh" Scarlet laughed. "You like her." James knew it was pointless to argue. "Yeah" Scarlet smiled.  "So go get her." James frowned. "She hates me  plus isn't she dating Cam?" Scarlet sighed. "She doesn't love him and please I've never seen her kiss someone like that.  She doesn't hate you. Go for her." James saw Scarlet walk away and figured it must be time to go. Emily and Jett were sitting together talking.  Scarlet set it up so James could be next Emily in the car.  Jett drove and Scarlet sat shotgun next to him. James saw her lean over and whisper something to Jett that made her face red. He would question it later. Emily slid in next to him. Her blonde hair landing on his shoulder. He thought he could never get sick of the scent. It was unique,but smelled great. He moved his hand near hers she didn't protest so he laid it on top.  She surprised him by taking his hand. She leaned in close. "you're not as bad as I thought." her smile was completely genuine. He turned to face her. Only three hours of talking he had fallen for her. He brushed a loose strand of hair away from her face. She smiled the whole time. It was one of those award winning smiles. His hand stopped and rested on her cheek. They both leaned in and met in the middle. Her arms instantly wrapped around his neck pulling him closer into the kiss. His heart started beating faster.  He could get used to being with Emily like this. Emily pulled away and smirked. "Now that meant something,but what I can't tell you." He sighed the girl was going to kill him.  Although he thought that'd be a good way to go. She kept holding his hand and her smile was growing wider. James thought this could be the perfect evening out.

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