Chapter 11~ Emily

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A/n perception is coming to  a close with one big cliffhanger soon. I've got three more books planned.  Also the demons previously mentioned will come to light.  Each characters will be revealed in the coming chapters.

Today was the last day of school. Emily had plans to hang out with the usual group or fam as everyone else had started calling it. It was fitting seeing as they were closer than any family anyone had ever had. First she had to get through four finals. Shouldn't be too hard considering she never failed a test. That whole perfection thing and all. Emily got out of the shower and looked at herself.  She wasn't gaining any weight essentially she stopped her bad habits for James, but her weight kept dropping. She stepped on the scale. 92. "If it gets any lower than ninety you need help em. "  Help being a treatment center. She shuddered. She didn't want to go and she certainly couldn't talk to her parents. They would hate to find out their perfect daughter was still practicing old habits. Ah  perfect the term everyone strives for. What Emily lived and breathed. Her demon essentially. It wouldn't let her fail a test.  It wouldn't let her have a hair out of place. Perfection was a monster. She pushed all the thoughts out of  her head. Although they'll never truly leave until you stop breathing will they?
Emily pushed away the dark thoughts and got dressed.  She got to school fairly early and met up with previously mentioned group. They talked about trivial things.  The excitement was contagious as it was the last day of hell. The bell rang and Emily rushed off to English. Her first final went by quickly and easily. 100. She smiled at the screen. Perfect. She spent her free time texting James. The rest of her finals went by easily until last hour.  She worked through algebra problems quickly checking her work and bubbling in answers. She got hung up on second guessing herself. The perfection demon whispered in her ear.   By the time she looked up she had five problems to go and five minutes.  She cursed to herself and kept working . The bell rang and she had two blank problems. She frowned.  That was eight points gone.  Her stomach felt sick and she couldn't hold it in any longer. Feels better now doesn't  it? Old habits always die hard. Her mind taunted her.  You failed Emily.  She pushed the voices away especially the one that said she missed her old ways. She wiped her mouth and put in a stick  of gum.  She checked her phone she was already late and probably missed her bus.  She sighed and met up with James.  "I need a ride or something I missed my bus. " He looked at me. "Just come home with me. We'll meet up with them tonight. " She nodded in agreement and followed him down the sidewalk. She thought about earlier and decided not to tell him. What he doesn't know won't hurt him. It's not that she didn't want to. He just had a crazy temper she didn't want to upset. She smiled at he slipped an arm around her. "What's on my beautiful's mind?" She blushed at the nickname.  "Nothing. " He shrugged and kissed her forehead. Her blush grew. "We're  home and Emily is with us!" She smiled at his child like enthusiasm. "So what do you want to do for an hour? " She started bouncing up and down like a child. "Swings! " He laughed and they went out so how backyard to swing for an hour. They talked and laughed the whole time. Then hopped off and headed towards the square to meet Jett and Scarlet. She sent a quick text to Scarlet that they were on their way. When they got there Scarlet was standing there with a coffee. "Where's Jett? " She shrugged.  Emily sat down and ordered her coffee feeling her stomach protest. Throwing up earlier affected her appetite. She sipped on her iced coffee and watched the clock. Jett should be here by now. Scarlet was fidgeting and checking her phone. "Where is he?" Scarlet's eyes were full of concern her voice cracking. Another hour passed and Scarlet was near crying. Emily hugged her. "Come on let's go home. " Scarlet pushed Emily off. "No.  He's coming. " Emily sighed and headed home. "Call me later, Scar." On the drive home all she could think about was Jett. Why hasn't he texted at least? Before her brain could go dark things she pushed the thoughts away.  She kissed James goodbye and ran towards her house. When got home she ran upstairs and checked her grade. 82. Her heart sank. Shame on you. You failed. She sighed and went to the bathroom throwing up her dinner. Perfection.  Perfection is her demon and what will kill her.

Jett : Jett was on his way to  meet the group.  He stopped to pick up a surprise for Scarlet. The little kitten was perched in the back seat. It mewed quietly. Jett was listening to a playlist that Scarlet gave to me.  A message flashed on his phone and he smiled. I was only about a mile away. Bright lights flashed in front of him.  Ccruunncch. The sound of metal crunching was the last thing Jett heard before everything went black. 

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