chapter 13~ James

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James checked on Emily in a daily basis. She was different from when they first started dating.  She wrote troubling things in her poem book. Her attitude changed.  Her weight dropped anyone with eyes could see that. He hadn't meant to find out about her illness it just happened. She told him willingly a week after dating. He honestly just thought she was naturally skinny. Like him. Then he found out how deep it really went. She had a crazy love with perfection and her parents didn't exactly help it. That angered him. Ah, anger his own personal demon. He couldn't control it. He remembered losing it on Emily more times than he could count on his hand. The last time was big and not that long ago. She was messing with ipecac. (for those of you that don't know that is a drug to induce vomiting. Very common with anorexics) She was even willing to sell herself for it. Anger pumped through his veins that day. He said every hurtful thing imaginable, yet she stayed. He asked her again how her weight was. She was never quite direct with him,but today she told him straight. 90. His heart sunk. She needed help before something happened to her. Even if that help was what she said she didn't want. He decided he would tell expert help as soon as possible. He hoped she'd understand. It was doing the right thing, right? Then why did he feel a pit in stomach as he looked up treatment facilities? He was unsure of the answer to that question,but he scrolled through facility after facility. Landing on Shady Acres. God it sounded like such a happy place when in reality he knew Emily would hate it. He saved the number. He decided to call Emily asking if she wanted to hang out. Not like you'll have much time after the call. He shook off the thought of the call and went to pick up Emily. She smiled as she hopped in his car and kissed him. Something tugged within him. He wanted more, but decided to take Emily swimming at the lake as promised. She jumped up and down like a child and played with the radio and he laughed. She smiled widely and it was contagious as a big dorky smile soon appeared on his face. She looked at him. Blue eyes shining. "What's with that dorky smile?" He shrugged. "Don't I always have a dorky smile on my face?" She laughed. "We're here!" She was already running out of the car and stripping down to her bathing suit. He took in the sight. She truly was beautiful to him. Skin and bone or not. She was running to the edge and jumping in. "Hurry up slowpoke!" He laughed and stripped down. She was already gracefully swimming through the water. At home with her surroundings. He ran to the edge and jumped in; splashing her. She yelped. "Asshole!" He smiled innocently and hugged her from behind. She smiled and turned to wrap herself around him. He kissed her like his life depended on it and she returned the favor. They hadn't done much,but messed around. He knew more than anything he wanted this last night with her before he made the call. It terrified him. He wasn't really sure how first times went. what if she doesn't like it? What if she says no? What if it isn't​' everything he hoped for? Not exactly like he could just take her home for the night. She must've read his thoughts because she spoke up. "My parents are out of town and Scarlet and Jett are spending quality time, so wanna stay over?" Her face was a bright red. " I mean you don't have to. Of course I know this is your first relationship and-"  He cut her off. "I'd love to, beautiful." She blushed and crawled out of the water. "Well I want dinner first and a shower." He smirked. "With me?" She dried off and laughed. "In your dreams, babe." He smiled at her and took it all in. Last time for awhile. He felt the frown form at that thought​, but pushed it away. He got to Emily's house and sat on the familiar couch as she took a shower. Fifteen minutes later she came out in just a long t shirt. The one he had given her for their anniversary. His eyes trailed down her body. He couldn't help it. She was stunning and the t shirt left nothing to his imagination. As his old Gun's n Roses t shirt barely grazed her mid thigh. "What do you want for dinner?" He smirked and kissed
her neck. "German sounds great." She swatted him away not amused with his dirty humor. "No, food first." He pouted and she proceeded to make dinner. 'Poor baby." They had dinner together. He finished in early in anticipation of what was about to happen. She cleared their plates and walked upstairs without a single word. Swaying her hips teasingly on the way up. He just followed and locked the door behind them. Not wanting to hurt or scare her he lightly pushed her against the door. She jumped up and wrapped around him. Kissing him like it would be the last. He kissed back and they fell back to the bed. Clothes started coming off and thus begun the best night of Jame's life. Afterards he just held Emily tight. Guilt eating him alive . She fell asleep. Her breathing falling even and the rise of her chest staying steady. He watched her for a few minutes.. Her blonde hair fell over her face and she had a content smile on her face. He slipped up and kissed her forehead. "I'm so sorry,Em." He walked downstairs to place the call.

Hi this is James Streit, I'd like to admit my girlfriend for anorexia.

Here at Shady Acres we do our best to fix our patients. Can you tell me how long and how severe?

4 years and she's currently ninety pounds.

We'll send someone in the morning. Name and address?

Emily Fischer.  5832 115th st

Thank you. You did the right thing. We promise your girlfriend is good hands. Goodnight and thanks for choosing Shady Acres!

The guilt was eating him alive as he slipped back into bed with Emily. In just a few more hours she'd be gone because of him.

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