Chapter 12 ~ Jett and Scarlet

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He felt like his head was about to explode. "Ow." He opened his eyes and looked around. The walls were white and people were rushing around him and shouting orders. It all came back to him.  The kitten. Chasing Cars playing​ in the back ground. The message from Scarlet. The sound of metal crunching. The pain in his wrist and chest. He gasped and heard the gurgling. "He's losing blood fast.  OR and transfusion now!" He felt his vision going black. "Can you tell us your name?  Someone to call?"
He coughed up blood and tried to gasp out his name. "pat down the John doe he probably has Id or a phone. He tried to sit up and a nurse pushed him down. "No sweetie. You'll hurt your wrist. " He laid back down  and squirmed. He needed to call Scarlet. She was probably worried sick. Or maybe not.  You know you don't deserve her. The voices whispered. Self deprication was an everyday thing for him and self doubt was his demon. It came up every minute of the day. He had no faith in himself.  He knew Scarlet could do so much better and his voices always made sure to taunt him.  Scarlet constantly reassured him he was good enough for her and he wouldn't become his dad, but he couldn't help but worry.  He was pushed into a room and moved to a cold metal table. "Count back from ten sweetie. We're going to contact someone about your surgery.  " Surgery?  He did as told anyways. "10... 9.... I hope Scarlet is okay.... 8.... Hopefully she doesn't think I bailed....7....6....I really love her... 5....4.... I feel...." His vision went black and he passed out.

Scarlet: Scarlet was still sitting in the coffee shop on her fourth coffee when the waitress came to clean her table.  "Honey we're  closing up.  You have to go home. " Scarlet sighed and got up.  She sent a quick text to Emily.

Hey I'm coming over. Jett didn't show...

I'm so sorry.

She looked outside and saw pitch black.

Can I get a ride?


She sat outside on the bench.  Maybe he decided he didn't want to come. Maybe he's like the others.  She sighed . Her past and fear of the future would kill her. It's  her own personal demon. Why she can't get close to anyone except Jett.  She really loved him and that scared her. She saw Emily pull up and sighed in relief. They talked about trivial things to take her mind off things. She gets into Emily's house and plops on the bed exhausted. She was just getting comfy when her phone buzzed.

I'm sorry to inform you there's been an accident involving a drunk driver with one casualty. This phone was found on a victim we need help identifying the victims.

She gulped and sighed. The tears were threatening to spill. She quickly sent back a picture of her and Jett.  It was taken on their first date.  For once Jett wasn't scowling of smirking he had his arm around her and a wide smile on his face. She let the tears spill.  What if he's  not the one in the hospital? She pushed away that thought and stared at her phone.

Good news that's not the deceased. he's in the OR with a punctured heart and shattered wrist.  Odds of him pulling through are likely. He will be awake in about three hours if you would like to visit him.

She sighed in relief. She was glad she hadn't lost Jett. She went to tell  Emily the news and hoped Emily would drive her at three in the morning. Emily agreed and Scarlet stared at the clock. An hour was all she had to wait.

Jett: Jett woke up and rubbed his head. "Damn. " He saw Scarlet sitting at the end of his bed. "Hey princess. " She smiled and hugged him. "Don't ever do ghat again. I thought I lost you and I love you. " He stroked her hair and kissed her forehead. "I love you too. " She smiled and climbed into bed with him.  He wrapped his arm around her waist and she rested her head on his shoulder. She yawned. "Tired? " She nodded and closed her eyes. "I haven't slept at all. " He was about to reply, bit her breathing went even and she mumbled sleepily. "Sweet Dreams princess.  I love you . " He kissed her forehead and she hugged him. He drifted off. "Mr.  Anderson we'd like to talk to you. " He woke up to a doctor. Scarlet was still fast asleep on his chest. "Okay. " He played with Scarlet's hair. "We fixed your heart temporarily. Certainly things can cause issues and you will need a transplant. As for your wrist we fixed it,  but you can't play sports anymore." He frowned at the news.  "We have also contacted your father since your girlfriend explained you don't live with him.  " His heart sped up and he felt dizzy. "He's in California and we have given him your contact. " He couldn't even fathom his father being in the sane room as him.  Maybe his father just won't contact him. He kissed Scarlet and went back to sleep forgetting about everything for just a moment. 

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