Chapter 10 ~ Scarlet

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It had been a few months and she was still with Jett. The notorious bad boy and a player couldn't be a bigger cheeseball. They were currently studying if you could call it that.  Jett was bugging her every two minutes to take a break.  He sat across from her on his bed jumping like a child. "Please princess?" He pouted adorably. "If you finish the problem maybe. " He smirked his signature smirk.  The one that had all the girls swooning and Scarlet felt her stomach do flips.  "Do I get a reward?" She felt her cheeks heat up at what he was insinuating. "Depends.  What do you want?" You know what.  Her mind teased her. Going to even dirtier places. They hadn't done anything yet.  Just made out. A little. A lot. Her mind teased.  You wouldn't mind if it went further either.  "Do you ever shut up? " She covered her mouth when she realized she said that. Jett tilted his head.  "Sorry we can watch a movie or I honestly need to work out for next season.  If you're really not in the mood. " She shook her head. "I didn't say that. " His smirk was growing and she thought her brain might become a puddle. He reached over and closed her book. She mock pouted. "Hey!" He closed his and set it on top of hers. She tilted her head. He leaned in real close. Her heart sped up. "I'm going to get ice cream as my reward, " he whispered. She smacked his arm.  "Asshole." He walked downstairs laughing and she pouted.  You're disappointed.  Her brain teased. He came back with a bowl of ice cream and plopped onto his bed. She took her favorite spot on his lap. "For me?  Thanks, Charming. "  She took the bowl and started eating. "Hey!" He pouted. "Next time you shouldn't trick me like that asshole." She set the bowl to the side and smirked triumphantly. "I wanted to taste some of that. " Before she could muster a reply he was flipping her to face him and kissing her. She immediately kissed back and melted into him like always. It was a perfected routine.  His hands on her waist and hers around his neck. Kissing him was enough to reduce her to complete mush.  Her mind went completely blank. Her body forgot how to function. Yet always knew what to do. Her legs were straddling his lap.  She couldn't help, but check to see if he closed the door. That would be a hard position to explain to anyone. Of course he did.  He had this planned. She felt her phone buzz in her back pocket, but decided to ignore it. Focusing completely on Jett's lips on her neck. He reached around a threw her phone to the end of the bed.  She tilted her head "What was that for? " He simply smirked against her skin. "You won't be needing that for awhile. " She fumbled out an okay. Going back to the perfect nearly predictable routine. Clothes coming off. Taking turns.  The feeling that was incredible.  She didn't even question why out of all the girls he could do this to he chose her. It was going longer than before and getting more hungrier. Not that she was complaining. She looked over to her jeans. Emily had given her advice and "provisions ". One of which was in her back pocket.  Following Emily's advice of course.  And wishful thinking. Wow her mind was a pain the ass  today.  She remembered her first talk with Emily about it. She had said if you want that  you had to take that. Say something. He might be nervous. So she did exactly that.  "Hey you don't have to stop if you don't want to. " Her face flushed and she yelled at herself mentally for the awkwardness. He looked up his blue eyes full of concern. "You sure? " She smiled at his concern. "Positive  " After a thousand times of asking her and her reassuring him. He agreed. "I just need... " Her face flushed and she reached in her jean pocket. "Emily," She said trying to  explain herself. He smirked.  "Someone came prepared. " She rolled her eyes. "If you want a conversation I'll just get dressed." Two hours later the door bell rang. Scarlet was wrapped around Jett cuddling him. "I love you princess and you were first. " She was shocked.  The player and bad boy hasn't slept with anyone?  "I love you too,  Charming.  You too. " He jumped up in realization. "We are supposed to hang out with Emily and James. They're probably here and Emily has a key. " Scarlet facepalmed realizing that's why her phone was buzzing. "I'm coming up,  Jett. " Emily's cheery voice rang through the house. Before thinking Scarlet spoke.  "Uh  no don't do that. " Jett  snickered and got dressed. She looked at him and rolled her eyes. He mouthed for her to get dressed.  She grabbed his t shirt and a pair of his shorts. "Your clothes are comfier. " He chuckled and placed a kiss on her forehead. They walked out to Emily and James sitting on the couch. Emily was in his lap and he was braiding her hair.  She smiled at her two best friends. "That doesn't look suspicious at all, " Emily said gesturing to Scarlet. She rolled her eyes and plopped on Jett's lap. The night continued with arguing about the movie. The guys getting scared at the horror movie. Weird conversations. A cookie disaster. Overall  it was a hectic, but good day for Scarlet.

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