Chapter 6 ~ Emily

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Emily was still trying to figure out why she kissed James. He ignited feelings inside her she's never felt. Technically she was still dating Cam.  She was so confused and Wesley's comments weren't helping. She sat back and watched the fight.  She didn't want James to get hurt,  but what could she do? She cringed at the crunching of bones.  She silently prayed that wasn't James. Finally she could see that the fight ended. James had a few cuts, but nothing serious.  She sighed in relief.  She decided to go to the bathroom and get things to patch up his wounds. On her way the captain of the football team made a perverted comment.  She smiled at him and flipped him off. It felt really good.  She gathered the supplies she needed and headed out. She was nearly back to James when she ran into Cam. She cursed. "Hey sunshine, haven't seen you in awhile." She looked him straight in the eyes. "We're over." He grabbed her wrist,but she pulled out of his grip. She picked up her pace and disappeared into the crowd. She sat on the couch next to James.  She pulled out the cotton balls and hydrogen peroxide and dabbed it on a cut on the bridge of his nose. He winced and she smiled trying to let him know it's OK. Her smile grew wider when she saw him smile back at her. She took in his face for a second.  For a band geek he had handsome features.  Not like the popular jocks.  More rough. The cut made it look more rugged and a little hot. Emily chided herself for having such thoughts. He pulled the cotton ball away and  leaned in to kiss her. Emily knew they weren't dating. She hated him. Ect. Kissing him felt so right even if it was wrong. She slid back onto his lap. The feel of his hands on her waist was becoming familiar. She kissed him like her life depended on it. Making out at a party not the mist romantic thing.  She didn't care. She heard one of her favorite songs and pulled him up to dance. She threw back a drink. Put his hands on her waist and  started moving her hips. He looked confused like he's never dances before.  She laughed a little and threw back another drink. Her laughing turned into non stop giggling. A slow song started to play and she grabbed James. "Dance with me." He placed his hands on her waist and she wrapped her around his neck. She sloppily swayed to the beat and he laughed. She gave him a sloppy kiss and her stomach did a flip. The song ended and he went to get water. She saw Scarlet and their favorite song was playing. She ran over and grabbed her best friend. At first the girl protested, but they started dancing and laughing like old times.  The guys stood back watching and laughing. When they stopped Jett handed scarlet a drink. She took a few sips and offered Emily one. Non drunk germaphobe Emily would decline. Drunk Emily didn't really care much about germs.  She also had no filter. She stumbled over to James and gave him a sloppy kiss. ,"I like you a lot, " she slurred. He kissed her back. She pulled away. He smiled. "I like you a lot too, Emily. " She couldn't help, but smile. She also couldn't stop the fight the giggles escaping her throat . "You wanna go on a real date, Em? " She resisted the urge to yell.  "Yep. " on the inside she was dying of happiness. Scarlet gave her a "we'll talk about this later" look and went outside with Jett. The rest of the night she talked to James and kissed him. She fell asleep in his lap. "You're comfy, " she mumbled against his jeans.  She giggled more and closed her eyes.  She could feel him stroking her hair. It soothed her to sleep. She woke up to him carrying her. On the ride home she laid in his lap. When he got home she kissed him goodbye and curled up. They got to her house and she went in first. She curled up on her bed knowing the interrogation that was sure to come from Scarlet. She closed her eye and the past thought on her mind was James

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