Chapter 15 ~ Jett

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Jett woke up to his phone ringing. He smiled thinking it was Scarlet and answered the phone. "Hey princess it's a little early don't you think?" Instead of hearing Scarlet's sweet voice he was met with a more masculine one.  "Jason it's your dad. I'd like to talk to you. " Jett grated his teeth.  "Jett and go to hell. " His anger was growing as he remembered every cut and bruise his father gave him.  "Your name is Jason I gave it to you and I will call you as such. I'm your legal guardian and it's time you come live with me." Jett clenched his fist. "I live with the Fischer's, Andrew. " Jett used Andrew not wanting to call that sad excuse of a man his father.  "The Fischer's girl is crazy. Besides no one wants to keep you that long, boy. " Jett's anger was bubbling over now.  "She's not crazy just hurt. " His father cackled on the other end.  "The bitch  starves herself. She's crazy." Jett was dead silent.  "Why do you want to stay anyways? Some new whore?" Jett growled.  "Her name is Scarlet and I love her." His father just laughed. "I don't give a fuck  if you two are star crossed lovers.  You're coming to LA with me in a week.  I paid for the ticket. Goodbye, Jason. " Jett punched the wall.  "God I hate him." You have to tell Scarlet.  His stomach turned at trying to tell Scarlet.  She was already getting more and more distant. They barely hung out like usual.  She spent her time with James and Emily. He decided to pay her a visit.  He got in his car and drove down the familiar street towards Scarlet's.  Stopping at the end of the road.  Scarlet's parents disapprove strongly of Jett for so many reasons, so he always waits at the end of the road. He called Scarlet.  "Hey I'm in the usual spot let's hang out " Silence.  "Alright I'll be right down.  I missed you." He sighed in relief. Maybe his mind was just being a pain in the ass  like always.  "I missed you too,  princess. " That was all then she hung up.  He smiled to himself and turned up the radio.  He dances and sang along while waiting for Scarlet.  "I didn't know the bad boy could dance and sing. " He jumped and saw Scarlet laughing next to the passenger seat. He leaned over and let her in.  "I hate you. " She kissed his cheek. "You love me!" He laughed and pulled her in for a kiss. She leaned away after kissing back.  "As much as I love that we're at a stop sign literally anyone can see. " He blushed at his eagerness and started to drive. "Where to?" She smiled.  "I don't care where as long as it's private.  God I've missed you. " He smiled and drove towards a spot near the park.  He parked far from anyone.  She smiled and leaned over to kiss him.  "See that's so much better. " He smiled. As much as he wanted to let it continue he couldn't.  After their first time they hadn't done it again and he knew that's where this was going.  He pulled away and kissed the corner of her mouth.  "We need to talk, princess. " Her bright green eyes faded slightly.  "About?" Jett sighed. "First come here. I want to hold you. " She crawled over and rested her head on his shoulder. "I have to move to California in a week. " Scarlet's eyes were watery with tears. "No you can't. " The sight of her tears made Jett's stomach turn.  He wiped them away. "Don't cry princess. " She didn't stop or even break a smile. "I don't want you to go." Tears of his own sprang loose.  "I know.  If it's too hard for you I understand.  I love you and I always will. " She shook her head.  "No I only want you.  " He smiled and kissed her.  "I'll come home soon.  I promise. " She smiled back.  "You better, but what I want right now is just you and I right here. " So Jett's second time with Scarlet was more eager and filled with pain of leaving.  Afterwards he held her. They just laid together perfectly content in his car.  He knew he had to leave, but all he wanted was to focus on Scarlet. She made leaving a lot harder, but he wouldn't change it for the world. 

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