Chapter 7 ~ Jett

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Jett smiled after Scarlet hoped out of the car. He turned on the radio blasting rock and tapping his fingers on the steering wheel.   Before he pulled out he heard his phone buzz. He grabbed it praying it wasn't his dad.  He sighed at relief of the unknown number.

Unknown: Hey Charming,  don't leave your phone unattended. ~ Scarlet

He looked up and saw Scarlet smirking out Emily's window and couldn't help smile to himself. That girl was going to drive him crazy.  She held up her phone and mouthed "call me" and walked away.  He rolled his eyes and drove off. While he drove his mind wandered to Scarlet and their date. He also thought of Emily and how he missed hanging out with her. He smiled.  His life was falling back in place. Not even his dad could ruin this. He pulled into his driveway and hoped out of his car with a new-found happiness. His happiness faded when his dad bellowed from the living room "Where the hell have you been?" Jett considered dashing out the door. Running until he was at Emily's with Scarlet wrapped around him.  Her smile calming him. He didn't run he walked in and started heading up the stairs. He was halfway there when a rough hang grabbed his elbow and pulled him back. He stumbled back and fell. He cursed as his wrist cracked. "When I ask a question you answer, boy." His dad slurred. It was obvious he was drunk and Jett just wanted to be happy again. He knew what was coming. "Practice ran late," Jett said confidentially. He felt the smack before he could see it. "Bullshit, Drake came looking for you said you weren't at practice. Don't lie to me." Jett rubbed his cheek.  "Where I was is none of your business. Not like you care," he spat. His dad's once joyful eyes were now menacing. He pinned him against the wall before Jett could blink. Took hold of his throat. A new fire lighting in his eyes. "Listen here don't ever talk to me like that again. You will regret it." Jett silently begged with  him.  He tightened his grip.  "It's all your fault your mother left.  You're worthless. Go to your room before I have a change of mind. " He dropped Jett and Jett ran up the stairs before anything else could happen. He locked the door and sat on his bed. He thought about calling Scarlet, but didn't want to bother her with his problems.  So he reached under the mattress where his bottle was hidden and took swig after swig.  The pain slowly crept away. His mind played memories like a movie reminding him of when his dad and momwere together. The family outings and holidays all coming back. Dad always cooked for the family and he'd come home from work and play basketball with Jett. He and mom would dance outside together and they were never more in love.  Then one day the yelling started and mom left in the middle of the night with his sister. Jett cries at the memories.  His dad changed after that. He was never the same and neither will Jett be again. He drank until he passed out, ignoring the texts and calls.  Sleep welcomed him.  Soon his alarm was blaring and he decided against going to school. Hitting snooze he fell back asleep. He grudgingly woke up later. Unsure of the time he grabbed his phone. 7:56. He was supposed to pick up Scarlet at 8. He cursed under his breath. 137 missed messages all from Scarlet. All varying from worried to down right pissed the last one made him go into panic mode. 
Princess : I'm coming over now since you aren't answering me. I'm worried about you, asshole. Sent 7:50
Jett cursed again.  Scarlet would be here any minute. How could he explain all this to her? He heard the door open and his heart stopped.  "Jett are you  here?" Her voice echoed and Jett couldn't help,but feel guilty. "Fuck it.  I'm coming up." Her footsteps were loud and quick up the stairs. She pounded on the door which only made his post hangover headache hurt more. "It's open," he yelled over her pounding. She charged in the room with a glare that could kill. "I called and messaged and I find out you're sleeping off a motherfucking hangover! God could you be more of an asshole?  I was worried about you, but then I find this. Were you even planning on showing up to our date?" she beat on his chest with every accusation. "Princess let me explain please?" Her face softened a little at the nickname.  "Five minutes,charming." He didn't even hesitate; he pulled off his basketball hoodie exposing his bare skin. Most of all his scars and bruises. He watched as Scarlet took it all in.  "Now isn't the time to check me out, princess, " he smirked.  She rolled her eyes and stepped closer tracing a scar on his shoulder. "Who did this?" Jett barely choked out the words. "My dad" She didn't say another word just hugged him tightly. She just kept whispering she was sorry over and over. Jett knew it wasn't her fault so he leaned down and kissed her. She seemed to melt into him as she wrapped her arms around his neck pulling him closer.  He deepened the kiss and picked her up trying to pull her as close as possible. She wrapped her legs around his waist and he could feel her smile against his lips.  He couldn't help but smile smile too. They fell back and Scarlet let out a girlish giggle.  He laughed at her and couldn't help but admire her. She didn't move so he wrapped his arms around her waist. "I'm sorry about our date,  princess."
She smiled and rested her head against his chest. "It's OK can we stay here instead?" He smiled and kissed her forehead. "sure." The rest of the night was spent talking, eating pizza and to Jetts  dislike watching horror movies.  It got to be late and they were cuddled up on his bed while Poltergeist played. "Shouldn't you be going home?" She only cuddled closer. "I'll just tell em I'm staying here.  She'll probably be with James anyways." He tilted his head. "So you want to stay here?" She leaned up and kissed him lightly.  "If that's OK. Yeah I'd like to stay with you." Jett smiled wider. "One more thing? " "Shoot." He got up all the courage he could.  "Will you be my girlfriend?" She smiled and kissed him on the cheek. "Of course. " After kissing, talking and more horror movies Scarlet finally fell asleep curled up on Jett. He kissed her head "Good night princess." She mumbled something and hugged him tighter.  Jett drifted off to sleep with a sense of security.  Scarlet Evans was all his and she'd fix him eventually. His princess.  He smiled and fell asleep with her in his arms. Feeling more at home than ever.

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