Chapter 8 ~ scarlet

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A/N- Normally my chapters follow a certain character order. This will change for special circumstances. I.E my two best friends have been together for six months and these characters are heavily based off them. So this chapter is a special one. Happy late anniversary, you know who you are.

Scarlet woke up and saw Jett next to her. She couldn't help but smile. For once she felt genuinely happy. She laughed a little when Jett let out a snore.She quickly covered her mouth not wanting to wake him. He stirred and peeked one eye open. "What are you laughing at, princess?" She smiled innocently. "Oh nothing,but cute snore, charming." she laughed at his blush. "Not really." she leaned over and kissed him. "Yes really. Where's your bathroom? I need to shower before school." He recovered from his blush attack and pointed to the hall. "Around the corner." Scarlet smirked to herself and hopped up. When Jett wasn't looking she stole one of his t shirts. She used to hate the smell of jock, but Jett was different. She finished her shower and slid on a pair of jeans and Jett's t shirt. She pulled her mess of curls back into a ponytail and walked out. Jett looked her up and down and knitted his eye brows in confusion. "There's something off about you, princess." Scarlet smirked. "Maybe you need your eyes checked, Charming. I'm the same me I've been." He rolled his eyes. "So since we're like dating do I get a ride from my boyfriend to school?" Scarlet cringed at the awkwardness of the question. "Sure, but don't you drive? " She shook her head if she needed a ride she'd get one from James or Emily. He seemed confused by this, but didn't push further. Scarlet smiled cutely and took the waffle off his plate. "Thanks. How sweet of you to make that for me. Syrup?" Jett reached for the waffle. "Hey that's mine!" Scarlet laughed and shoved the whole thing in her mouth. "Oops? But seriously syrup? " Due to her mouth being full crumbs flew everywhere. Jett handed her the syrup. "Here I don't know how you're going to get that on your waffle." His eyes widened as she opened her mouth and poured syrup in. She swallowed and walked to the fridge grabbing the milk. She chugged it out of the carton holding up her finger until she was finished. She burped and laughed loudly. Jett laughed. " You've got syrup all over your mouth , princess. " She smirked mischievously. "Well I've got one to get it off." His eyes widened when he realized what she implied, but it was too late. She pulled him into a sticky kiss and he couldn't help but smile. She pulled away after a few minutes and giggled. "I think you've got a little something there, Charming." He wrapped his arms around her waist and smirked. "Is that so?" She squirmed and her eyes widened. "I don't trust that smirk." She kept squirming. He kissed every inch of her face and down her neck. She squealed. "Stop it!" She was laughing, though. She kept hitting his chest. "Asshole! " He leaned away. "I think it's time to get cleaned up before we're late. " She glared at him. "I hate you."
He laughed and smiled cutely. "No you don't. You wuv me. " She rolled her eyes. "Cute, charming. Go get cleaned up. " She smiled to herself. She liked seeing this side of Jett. Not the bad boy, but the dorky cheeseball. She hopped in his car ignoring the "rules ". Apparently getting a ride from Jett comes with a full length lecture first. She listened to him drone on. "...Lastly don't touch anything." She completely ignored that statement and turned on the radio. Jett's face was hilarious. "Y-you touched my baby!" Scarlet smiled proudly. "Yes I did."  Jett pouted. An action Scarlet found adorable. "Awww cute, but if you don't drive we're gonna be late." She leaned over and kissed his cheek. He blushed and she smiled triumphantly. She saw Emily and James and took off in their direction dragging poor Jett with her. "Hey is that Jett's shirt?" Emily smirked. Scarlet blushed. "It's not like that." Emily thought for a second. "You didn't come home last night." Her suggestive tone making Scarlett's blush spread. "Just use protection and keep it down." She winked and Scarlet hid. The rest of the day continued with dirty jokes,but she was too happy to be with Jett to care. She hadn't felt this way in awhile and she hoped it stayed .

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