Chapter 14 ~ Emily

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Emily woke up and immediately noticed the empty bed. "James?" No answer.  Great another one night stand. Knock knock. Who the hell is here.  Emily got dressed and stared at the wall thinking. The cross her grandfather left her didn't help calm her thoughts.  Only made white hot guilt pour over her.  Her dad's vice rang through her head.  "Your  first should be at the right time and he should believe in God like you do,  my princess ." It wasn't that she didn't believe.  She was just a skeptic. Her parents don't even know. She plays the perfect Christian daughter.  Fake is the only word that describes everything about Emily.  She is pulled out of her thoughts by the door again before the thoughts can consume her. "Coming!" She rushed down the stairs and opens the door.  She isn't met with a familiar face like she thought. The strange is short and had a welcoming smile.  On her outfit hung an ID. "Dr.  Karen Monroe. Shady Oaks behavioral health ." Emily blinked and stared at the woman.   "Emily I presume." Emily nodded.  "I hear you're very sick." Emily started backing up.  No no no this can't be happening.  "From Whom? May I ask? " Her voice came out barely a squeak. "I believe he said he was your boyfriend. Jake? No.  James.  Ah  yes James he places the call last night stating your condition. " Emily stood there in shock . She gaped at the lady.  He loves me.  He wouldn't.  How could he? "It's my understanding school is important to you. You may continue to attend while being treated. With stipulation of course. " Emily merely nodded.  "We'd like your cooperation in the escort to our facility. Otherwise restraining will be in order. " Emily nodded. At that moment James walked in with her bag.  "Hey beautiful.  I came to say goodbye. " She wanted to be angry, but her heart wouldn't let her.  She walked over and hugged him. "I'm going to miss you. " He kissed her forehead.  "I'll see you at school. " She just shook her head. "Emily we must be going." She got up on her tiptoes and kissed James goodbye.  "I love you and I always will. Just know I'm not mad for this. " He kissed her back and she could feel his relief. Just as quick as he appeared James disappeared. Leaving Emily no choice but to follow the overly peppy lady into the van waiting. 
The van ride was quiet despite the doctor's attempted chatter. Emily wasn't in the mood to talk. She sat staring out the window the whole time. Watching life move on by.  Without her. When she got to the facility she was searched, weighed, poked and prodded,  bombarded with questions, drugged and force fed.  She rejected moat food that came or gave it to her roommate, Carly,  a schizophrenic and sex addict. What a combination. Emily laughed at her thoughts of her ginger haired roommate. Great . Now I'm laughing at my minds twisted humor.  Maybe I am crazy.  Mentally unstable is what they called it here. Really that's just a cushy term for loony. 
She sighed and stared at the ceiling.  She got bored and played with the guitar pick on her neck. James gave it to her for their second anniversary.  "It's my lucky one. You know why? Because I bought it the day I met you. " Emily smiled at James' voice running through her head.  Her heart aches to Skype him for just five minutes. To hear his voice and see that dorky smile. To hear one of his stories and to laugh.  To be happy again. To be alive again.  Instead she counted the dots in the ceiling and let her mind play memory after memory.  Lulling her to much needed sleep. Eventually she closed her eyes and let her dreams wander to her future with James. She still wanted that even after this.  The thought alone made Emily less lonely in the strange place.

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