Chapter 5~ Scarlet

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She rolled her eyes at the scene in the rearview mirror. They went from hating each other to what appears to be a few steps away from doing each other. Jett sat there silently driving. At some point he had grabbed her hand and she hadn't bothered to move it. She decided to break the silence  "So should we break them up or…" Jett nearly smiled and let out a little laugh.  The action made Scarlet's heart do a little flip. "Hey guys unless you guys have protection I suggest you stop. " For a good laugh he slammed the brakes so Emily fell off James' lap.  Scarlet laughed at her best friends' blush and  Emily's colorful German words.  Jett turned to her with his usual smirk. "Broke it up,  princess." She returned a smirk of her own. " I have two eyes, charming. I saw." He laughed  and Scarlet melted a little. "Sassy there." Scarlet wondered if he was used to girls playing it cool or if they all drooled at the sight of him.  "Deal with it." Jett nearly smiled. "Meanie." She leaned over and kissed his cheek. "You probably liked it, charming." She smirked at his blush. "Who doesn't like a bad girl." Now it was her turn to blush. Damn he's confident. She shook of her embarrassment. "Well if that's what you want you picked the right girl." She noticed Jett pulling over.  No one really talked about where they were going and she was a little anxious. She turned around to see Emily and James engrossed in heavy flirting. She turned to ask him where they were. Before she could  say anything he kissed her.  Making her stomach do weird flips. Just as she was getting into the kiss he pulled away.  She had to resist the urge to pout. "I like you.  You're different. We'll continue this conversation later." She blushed a little.  "Okay.  Where the hell are we?" Jett smirked that goddamn smirk. "Somewhere fun.  You aren't too good for an old fashioned party are you?" Scarlet never got invited.  It was always Emily who got invited to parties and football games.  Emily never left Scarlet for them though. She decided to lie. "Of course not, charming." He stuck out his hand and she grabbed it.  "let's go then." Emily and James stumbled out after them.  She rolled her eyes. James had red lip gloss on his lips.  "I don't think red matches your pale ass skin tone, James." At first he looked confused,but then he saw his reflection and blushed. "Fuck you. Wait are we at a party?" Jett wrapped his arm around her waist.  Scarlet's face turned bright red.  Jett smirked and her stomach did that weird thing again. "Leave that to me, but.  Yes this is a party aka a social gathering with music and alcohol.  Welcome to high school." Scarlet's face heated up at his comment. "Uh let's just go in. " Emily walked in ahead of everyone dragging poor James behind her. The jocks hooted at Emily's entrance. Scarlet resisted the urge to growl.  "Fischer finally showed up to a party! Looking hot by the way!" Wesley the captain of the swim team shouted. Jett frowned at the other jock. "Knock it off.  She's off the table." Wesley smiled. "What is she taken by the nerd who followed her here?" Scarlet wished she could pop pervy guys like that in the jaw sometimes. She would've, but Jett had a strong grip on her. It actually calmed her down.  Emily stood there uncomfortable while the previous asshole looped an ark around her waist. He whispered something to Emily that made her nose scrunch up.  Scarlet knew that her best friend was uncomfortable,  but wouldn't do anything about it.  Wesley was starting to move his hand down when James stepped forward and punched him.  Scarlet cheered and Emily backed away. Jett whispered, "let's  go dance let him fight his own battle ."  She nodded. A slow song just happened to be playing. Jeff extended his hand.  "Would you like to dance,  princess?" She had resist the urge to shout yes. "Sure. " she took his hand and he pulled her close. This moment was perfect to Scarlet. "So to continue our conversation from earlier. Would you like to go on S real date.  Like you know with two persons and all? " Scarlet giggled a little. "A.  People B. That's the definition of a date and C. Yes,  charming." She smiled at the thought of a real date especially with Jett.  The song ended and he didn't let go. She tilted her head. "You know-" he cut her off with a kiss. She kissed h back immediately and felt the butterflies in her stomach go wild.  She felt like they were the only two people in the world.  Never in her wildest dreams did she think she'd be kissing Jett  Anderson. She heart did little flips and she pulled him closer. Jett had that effect on her. This time she was the first to pull  away.  She smirked at his pout. "Hey we aren't official yet tomorrow's date goes well and there will be more " she laughed at the pout that was still on his face. "Cute, but won't work. Why don't you get us some drinks?" Jett headed off and she felt Emily grab her.  "We're  dancing. " Scarlet tried to fight  it.  "Oh no." At that moment a good rock song came on and both girls started dancing.  Scarlet smiled they hadn't done anything like this in awhile. Jett  returned with a plastic cup and handed it to her. She took a sip and scrunched up her nose. It burned going down. "Hey  I'm thirsty. " Emily reached for the cup. "You're also a germaphobe." Emily laughed and took a sip.  "Eh." Scarlet laughed. Drunk Emily was way less germaphobic apparently. James came walking up with a water bottle and Scarlet rolled her eyes.  "Lightweight." Jett laughed. "Watch it princess you're only on your first. Emily well who knows. " Scarlet smirked and took another cup.  "I'm not a lightweight, thank you." Emily giggled and walked up to James.  She gave him a sloppy kiss and drawled, "I like you a lot." James looked confused. "I like you too,  em." Scarlet internally fangirled. "So go our with me and kiss me, idiot." Emily giggled and James pulled her in for a kiss. Scarlet led Jett outside. "Let's leave them alone for a bit." They sat down on the steps and Jett draped his arm around her. She cuddled closer.  "Hey I didn't tell you,  but you looked pretty today ." She didn't bother telling him Emily made her dress nice. Hee face turned red. "um thanks." He laughed a little. "Hey look at me." she turned and looked at him. Both of them started leaning in and met in the middle with a kiss. Scarlet thought she could get used to this.  They talked and kissed for what seemed like hours.  "We should probably get home,  but see you tomorrow at seven ." They got up and went to find Emily and James. Who were making out on the couch. After awkwardly interrupting they all got ready to leave. The car ride was mainly flirting although scarlet and Jett had their moments too.  They dropped off James first. Emily kissed him goodbye and he ran into his house. When they pulled into Emily's driveway where scarlet was staying for the night;  she told Emily to go in ahead of her. She turned to Jett  "Good night, Charming and one last thing. " she leaned over and kissed him softly. Before he could say anything she ran up the driveway smiling to herself .

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