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desdbeats: how dark are your nipples

whatru: excuse me???

deadbeats: I'm conducting an experiment

whatru: that requires the tone of my nipples?

deadbeats: yes

deadbeats: also would u say ur pale or dark?

whatru: vampire white

deadbeats: and how dark are your nipples?

whatru: uhm dark?

deadbeats: okay thanks

deadbeats; can I have a picture?

whatru: no???

whatru: what kind of experiment are you conducting where you need my nudes

deadbeats: well I mean it's not that weird unless ur a girl

whatru: i think it's weird that you're asking a basically complete stranger how dark their nipples are on a scale from 1-1

deadbeats: well I mean I could have asked you if you've ever fingered yourself but the experiment seemed more important

whatru: that would've been better

deadbeats: why?

deadbeats: so we can talk about your self pleasure experiences?

whatru: No because I haven't so it wouldn't have gone any further

deadbeats: have you ever thought about fingering yourself?

whatru: um

whatru: probably

deadbeats: ever wondered what it'd be like to have a dick up your ass?

whatru: i dont?? have to wonder? I already know?

deadbeats: what if I fingered you

deadbeats: would be nice wouldn't it

whatru: this is awkward ://

deadbeats: so are you enjoying our talk about fingerings more than my nipple experiment?

whatru: No not really

deadbeats: in conclusion you'd rather help me conduct nipple experiments and it's not that weird, and I also tricked you into imagining me fingering you

whatru: god damnit


what thefuck?

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