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jjangubf, seoker, thatserotaeic, choken

jjangubf: why isnt jimin here?

jjangubf: or namjoon? or jungkook?

choken: bc I miss when it was just us 4

seoker: why tho

thatserotaeic: ye like I thought it was all 7 of us yk

choken: I just miss our og group

jjangubf: this is kinda weird tho its been such a long time since it was just is

seoker: yea like this is hella weird

seoker: also weve not been updated since namjoon told me abt everything yk

choken: fuck namjoon

choken: n jimin

choken: and jungkook

jjangubf: thats my crush yr talkin bout

thatserotaeic: and my boyfriend

choken: whatever

choken: its just us now

jjangubf: but why

choken: fine if y'all really wanna fuckin know why I don't want anything to do with anyone besides y'all

thatserotaetic: ye I wanna know why you've kicked my boyfriend out

jjangubf: and my crush

seoker: and ur boyfriend

choken: my mom died, and every time I needed someone he always told me he couldn't come ovwr bc he was "out of gas" or he was "busy" when in reality he was cheating on me. he was only trying to fix things between us bc i was his back up plan.

jjangubf: oh

thatserotaeic: well if you woulda started with that-

seoker: that's pretty dickhead-y of him

choken: yea

choken: so that's why

jjangubf: but still joon n jungkook didn't do anything

choken: I know but

choken: namjoon was friends with jimin and that's how we met him and idk I miss how things were before I met jimin

jjangubf: but still

jjangubf: namjoon and jungkook are innocent n joon is smart asf so he can actually help you

choken: so what are you suggesting

jjangubf: we officially make jungkook and namjoon a part of our group

choken: okay???

bitehim, younglivin

bitehim is typing...

bitehim: well im gonna address the fact that you said you have a crush on me later @ jin and go over some logical and sentimental shit first.

hi there's gonna be a hella time skip soon

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