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seoker added bitehim to the chat

seoker: seriously joon what tf is happening

bitehim: it turns out tae dared yoongi like a long yime ago to get jiminto fall fot him and if he did they'd date bc yoongs had a crush on tae so when yoongi told jimin (a week or two ago) jimin was hella hury and he broke up with yoongi. idk why, im gomna guess its just bc he doeant wanna be hurt again and he wont risk it

seoker: shit man

bitehim: but the thing is yoongis so fucking sad abt it and its making me mad that jimin doesnt care that hes hurting his best friend so much

seoker: bro they looked so happy together

seoker: why doesn't he trust yoongi?

bitehim: i think maybe hes just too afraid to admit that hes not in love with him anymore so he doesn't trust him

seoker: this isn't even my relationship and its hurting me

bitehim: me too

bitehim: I can't even sit here and support jimin and tell him hes right

bitehim: i seriously think he should just stop being so scared yoongi will hurt him

bitehim: bc yoongi loves him and he wouldn't hurt him on purpose

choken: look namjoon, I know youre trying to help and all but I don't want anyone else involved

bitehim: yoongi I can seriously talk to him abt it

bitehim: hes also my best friend

bitehim: i know what to do to make him believe what he needs to

choken: actually, id appreciate that.


okay but like what kina fanfics u wanna see me write lol

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