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thatserotaeic: youve been ignoring me

choken: no..

thatserotaeic: yes...

thatserotaeic: youve been posting on tumblr

choken: okay fine I am

thatserotaeic: why

choken: bc i love jimin

choken: but youre also my best friend

choken: and i dont wanna lose you bc you want me to break up with him

choken: and I dont wanna lose him bc you want me to break up with him

thatserotaeic: are you really that conflicted?

choken: yea its tearing me up inside

thatserotaeic: honestly yoongs if youre really over me, I won't drop you bc you wont break up with him

thatserotaeic: im not that cruel

choken: oh thank god

choken: are you sure?

thatserotaeic: yes I'm sure

thatserotaeic: ive had my eye on someone else anyway

choken: oh?

choken: who?

thatserotaeic: his name is jungkook, maybe you can meet him

choken: ah

thatserotaeic: anyway

thatserotaeic: off topic, you should probably tell jimin about why you suddenly became interested in him

choken: i will

choken: when hes ready

thatserotaeic: alright

thatserotaeic: I think its sweet you love him so much

thatserotaeic: I wish i had something that nice

choken: yea well not everyone gets someone as perfect as jimin

thatserotaeic: hes not perfect, yoongs

thatserotaeic: in your eyes and standards hes perfect

thatserotaeic: hes exactly what you want. hes your perfect

thatserotaeic: everyone has their own perfect

choken: well said, my friend

choken: well for what its worth, i hope you find your perfect

thatserotaeic: me too


sorry for the late update lmao

anyway ive got like two things to say

first off I highkey wanna make shirts with iconic bigbang lyrics on them

second off,, should I like actually start dating?? again?? like let myself fall for someone without being so afraid and just endure all this pain that's supposed to come?? (i had a gf that I technically haven'tbeen dating for like idk 10 months now or smth and our 13 month anniversary was like the 10th and I finally had the chance to break up with her) idk should I just,,, y'know try it???? idk??? like idk if im tired of being hurt or being afraid and idk what to do tbh  

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