
3.7K 271 45

You have 8,255 notifications!

Instagram: playguy and 889 others liked your..
Twitter: bitehim retweeted your tweet!
Twitter: [bitehim] dude im so shook look ..
Tumblr: 7,336 notes
Tumblr: [Choken] jimin please im so worri..
Tumblr: [Choken] jimin please message m..


lmao its 3am and im not even tired

also I lnow it seems unrealistic that jimin has 8k notifs but each retweet and Tumblr note and dm n shit counts as an individual one, and as I said Jimin is a pretty popular internet shitposter so like yea

and a lot of them came from yoongi spamming so like

ye bye

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