Lights Camera Action

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Chloe Lukasiak. The girl who had always lived in the huge house. She was never noticed. She was an only child, and her parents were always away for business.

And the workers? They couldn't care less. Chloe never talked to them when she younger. To them, she was a waste of time. They just sat around the house, cleaning up non-existent dust.

Chloe's parents didn't believe Chloe could keep the house clean while they were away. She always cleaned her dishes and made her own food. She didn't need people waiting on her every second of every day.

Until one day, when her ex-best friend, Alana Montgomery, said she would pay her to audition for some 'stupid' movie. Chloe landed the part (which Alana hated) and Alana never spoke to her again.

Ever since then, Chloe had stopped being her nerdy self. The old Chloe would sit in her room, listening to old music, and reading a book with thick glasses perched on her nose.

New Chloe was somebody who wasn't real. Her hair was always glued into place with tons of hair gel and hair spray. Her face was always coated with makeup, and instead of old music, she listened to people like Collin York.


Because anybody would do anything to be noticed. Even if it meant changing who you are.


Paige Hyland. The poor girl. She was never noticed. Her dad had left her family when she little, leaving her mom to support the family.

She couldn't afford the newest styles, like Forever 21 tops and Ugg boots. So, people didn't talk to her.

She just sat at home, doing the normal thing. Reading and listening to music. Once in a while she would take pictures of things with her Canon camera from her dad. He said it made up for the past 6 years when she turned 13, and never heard from him since.

She was nobody.

Until the popular girls tell Paige she should enter the modeling contest. They were joking to themselves. They always called her fat and ugly.

So she went home, and got her older sister, Brooke, who had an obsession with beauty and fashion, to make her look pretty.

Paige took the Canon camera, went into the backyard, and began to take pictures. She sent them into the contest at California Talent Agency, and won.

After that, she normally wore thin glasses and stopped reading as much. She always told people her favorite type of music was by Collin York, even though she would rather shove a spoon through her eye than hear him sing.


Because anybody would do anything to be noticed. Even if it meant changing who you are.

Lights, Camera, Action // PH & CLDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora