Chapter Ten

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"This is so boring," I whined as Chloe applied more mascara to her eyes. Mr. Tabith hadn't told us to hang for a couple weeks- actually, he was kinda proud that we had been hanging out on our own- but Chloe still wanted me to come to her filming of a part of the movie so we could go do something after before we had another meeting with him.

"Oh, calm down. After this we're going to the mall, and you like the mall, right?" She asked.

I sighed. "Kinda. But that doesn't mean this absolutely sucks. I can't even watch the filming, and all you've been doing is putting on more make-up."

Chloe rolled her eyes. "You whine too much."

Before I could reply, a man with a headset popped his head into Chloe's dressing room. "Miss Lukasiak, they need you on set."

Chloe stood up. "Okay, I'll be there in a second."

The man nodded and disappeared down the hallway. Chloe stood up from her chair. "I'll be back in a few minutes. Stay here." She warned before heading down the hallway to the movie set.

I sighed and sat down on the plush couch, which was way more softer than my one at home. I scrolled through my phone while I waited, which was making me really impatient because my phone sucked and it was really boring and quiet here.

"Hey, Chloe-" Caesar said as he entered the dressing room. He immediately stopped and smiled at me. "Oh, hey, Paigey!" 

I smiled. "Hey, Caesar. Haven't seen you in a while.."

He nodded. "Yep. We should really hang out sometime, you know? Without Chloe."

"Without Chloe?"

He nodded. "Yeah. Chloe's great and all but... You're not a diva like her."

I let out a soft giggle. "Thanks... What about tomorrow? I would say after this, but I'm going to the mall with Chloe then we have to go to a stupid meeting."

"A meeting?" He sat down next to me, making my breath hitch. He smelled really good... like mint and Christmas.

I nodded. "Didn't Chloe tell you? I have to go places with her to make me famous. The dude, Mr. Tabith, is basically using me for publicity because he wants more people to sign with him."

He nodded. "Ah, yes, I believe I've heard Chloe complain about how nerdy you are."

I giggled. "Yeah, she says that a lot."

"Why don't we go to the diner nearby here tomorrow? There's lots of cool stuff by the diner too, so we can just check it out and stuff."

I nodded. "Sounds good."

"I can pick you up at your house if you want?" Caesar said hopefully.

I nodded. "Uh, yeah. Can you pick me up at like 11?"

He nodded again. "Yes. Well-"

Chloe came into the dressing room and stopped, seeing us sitting extremely close together on the couch. "Um..."

Caesar quickly jumped up from his spot. "I came to rehearse my scene with you and then I saw that you weren't here so we started talking," he said quickly.

Chloe nodded. "Okay... Uh, Paige, I'm done so do you just wanna go?"

I nodded and quickly began to gather my things. "Yeah. Bye, Caesar!"

Caesar waved before exiting down the hallway. Chloe stuffed her things into her purse before leading me quietly past the set (where they were arguing over wether the lamp should be on or off for the scene) and headed to the exit.

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