Chapter Eleven

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"Aw, Carrie!" I whined as I watched Carrie from 'The Carrie Diaries' kiss Sebastian, one of the characters on the show. After I had found out about this show on Netflix, it had became my favorite, and I was now obsessed with it.

Today was my first day off in awhile. Ever since I had began my thing with Paige and between filming and trying to start things with Josh, I just needed a day off. So here I was on a Friday afternoon, watching Netflix with tons of food and a fuzzy blanket on my couch. I felt like my old self- glasses, messy bun, no make-up, and being lazy. I loved being like this once in awhile. It was really hard having to be so popular all the time.

And just as Carrie leaned in to give Sebastian a good-bye hug, the doorbell rang. I groaned and paused the show to go see who it was. I really hoped it wasn't one of the workers who forgot about me letting them off.

I pulled open the door to reveal my grinning mother and father standing in the doorway with tons of luggage sitting around them. "Mom?" I said quietly.

Like always, her white-blonde hair was straight and cut exactly to fall about a few centimeters above her shoulders. She was wearing a fancy blouse and skirt with high heels and a pearl necklace. My dad's (dyed) black hair was combed to the side and he was wearing a Polo shirt with khakis and dress shoes. They looked the exact same- they always had.

"Surprise!" She grinned. She threw her arms around me as I stood there in shock.

"I-I didn't think you were coming til Christmas," I said. Truth is, I felt like they would cancel again, but I wouldn't admit it to my mom.

"Well, we decided that we really shouldn't put our careers before our daughter." Mom smiled. "We're going to be home until January 3rd!"

"Oh, yay!" I lied. Perks of being an actress, I guess.

"Can you get Margaret for me? There's just so many bags..." Mom trailed off.

"Oh... I, uh, told them they could have the day off today." I played with my fingers as I spoke.

When I was little, Mom thought that even though we didn't need all these workers, she still needed help around the house and never let them have a day off. But now that Mom and Dad were now flying from place to place, I had began to let the workers have days off when I knew I wouldn't be home that day. They basically spent their lives slaving over me, so why should I make them work everyday?

"What? But don't you need help?" My mom asked.

I shook my head. "No. I was just planning on chilling all day..."

"Oh." Mom laughed. "I thought you were going through that awful nerd phase again."

My fake smile quickly fell at my mother's words. "'Awful nerd phase'?"

"Well, of course." She giggled. "Don't you agree? You never wore contacts, had amazing grades, no make-up, dressed like this..."

"Whatever." I huffed. "I'll help Dad bring in the stuff. Why don't you go freshen up?"

Mom nodded in agreement. "Of course! Why don't you get ready and we can go out to dinner and catch up?"

I nodded. "Sounds great." Mom hurried upstairs to her room.

After helping Dad drag in the luggage (which was a ton), I gathered my things from the couch and took them upstairs to my room.

Mom: We will be going to French's at 5 o'clock. Be ready by then.

I replied with a quick 'Okay' and went to my private bathroom to go take a shower. I really didn't want to have to get ready, but because Mom and Dad had decided to come home so quickly, I was basically forced to take my lazy day off and actually do something.

After I dried my hair, I straightened it and put it in a braid with the sides of my hair twisted back. French's was a pretty fancy restaurant (my mom only liked fancy places) and there was going to be paparazzis, so I had to look good.

I put in my contacts and did my make-up, which consisted of concealer, light silver eyeshadow, mascara, winged eyeliner, and pink lipgloss. I then changed into a floral dress, which was casual but kinda fancy-ish, and put on a pair of hot pink sandals that matched some of the flowers on the dress, and a light pink sweater to go over my dress.

"Chloe! Lets go!" Mom yelled. I grabbed my clutch and phone and hurried down the stairs to where Mom and Dad waited. They were still wearing fancy clothes, but it was basically just a different color, just like the rest of their wardrobe.

"I'm so excited we get to stay home," Mom grinned. "Aren't you, Marc?"

"Oh, yeah." He smiled at me. I gave them a fake smile back and followed my parents out into the brisk air.

A sleek black car was waiting out front to take us to the restaurant. My parents were able to drive, but like I said, the more money I got, the lazier they became and the more people they hired to do things for us.

Once we all got in the back of the car, the driver (who my mom said was named Kyle) began to drive us to the restaurant. It was about 15 minutes away and once we got there, Mom told him to not be late and we exited into the restaurant.

Once we got inside (luckily there was no paparazzis around) a server led us to a booth in the back of the place. I requested it because I still didn't want to deal with a lot of people right now.

We quickly got settled into the booth, and Mom began to speak. "So, Chloe. Tell us about life." She smiled.

"Uh, well, Mr. Tabith had me meet this girl named Paige Hyland and we're currently starting this project to make her famous or something." I said. "Plus, my movie with Caesar is almost finished filming."

"Oh, that's great," Mom smiled. She looked over at my Dad who was sitting next to her. "Should we talk about... the thing?" She asked quietly.

"What thing?" I asked.

"Well..." Mom said. She was very overpowering and always spoke for my Dad. "After the movie is done filming, Dad and I were thinking about taking a break from traveling everywhere and moving to New York for a year with you. We feel bad for leaving you alone all this time..."

"Oh." I said quietly. Move to New York? I loved living in California, and even though there was still opportunities in New York, Cali was the place I wanted to be. Sure, everything wasn't going right right now, but still. I couldn't move away from Caesar, Josh, and everything.

"Isn't that great?" Mom smiled. "We can finally be together again!"

"I..." I sighed. "I don't know Mom. My career is finally becoming big. I don't want to have to drop all my hard work to go be a normal girl again."

Mom shook her head. "No, you can still do things in New York. You can still do your famous girl thing, do online school, and all the other stuff you do."

"But what about Caesar? I can't leave my best friend." Or Josh, I thought.

"Who's Caesar, again?" Mom asked. "Is that your ex-boyfriend or the boy who lives next door?"

"Neither!" I said in defeat. "That's the point, mom! Why would I want to pack up and leave with people I barely know?"

"Barely know?! We're your parents!"

"Well it doesn't feel like it!" I snapped.

Mom tightened her lips. "Chloe Elizabeth Lukasiak, apologize right now." She said quietly.

"Why?" I asked. "You never even talk to me. You skip holidays to hang out with friends on a yacht or miss my birthday for some 'important' business meeting! I bet you can't even name one of my movies!"

"Chloe!" My dad said sharply. "That is not true!"

I felt tears bubble up. "Then answer the damn question!"

My parents stayed silent as they tried to think of something to say.

"That's what I thought." I whispered before running off.


sorry that this was so dramatic but basically old chloe is coming back so ya

next chapter will be chloe too

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