Chapter Two

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After we had finished filming for the day, I headed with Paige downtown. Apparently Paige had planned with Caesar to go get coffee, but I lied to her, saying Mr. Tabith said only we could go.

I couldn't let that little blonde bimbo stealing Caesar. He was my best friend, and... I kinda had a little crush on him.

After I had gone "shopping" with Paige (by "shopping" I mean I bought a lot of things while Paige followed like a lovesick puppy) I went to her house to drop her off.

But instead of just the trashy car in the driveway of the old house, a hot boy sat there. He had on swim trunks and no shirt, showing his perfectly carved abs. He had gorgeous brown hair and a tan. His face was to die for.

As I daydreamed about the boy, Paige began getting out of the car. "So, see you tomorrow?" She asked.

I glanced at the boy before looking back at her. "Actually, why don't we hang out for a little while?" I asked.

Paige bit her lip. "S-sure," she stuttered. I pushed open the car door, grabbed my expensive purse, and strutted out of the car.

As I was strutting, I noticed the boy was talking to another hot boy with black hair. I will call them Hottie #1 and Hottie #2.

"Hey, Paige. Who's your friend?" Hottie #1 asked. He looked up at me, a smile on his face.

Hottie #2 slapped Hottie #1's arm. "Dude! That's Chloe Lukasiak!" He whisper-yelled. I don't know if I was supposed to hear that, but I was glad he was appalled that I was here.

"Why don't you come with us?" Hottie #1 asked, standing up. "We were just about to go to the public pool near here."

Public pool? Disgusting. "Cool!" I grinned. "Wait. I don't have a swimsuit!"

Hottie #1 looked at Paige. "Paige, take Chloe to get a swimsuit," he lightly shoved us towards the house.

Paige led me inside her house. It was very small. In the front room there was a cheap carpet on the floor, and to the right there was a dining room with a small table and 4 chairs. They were ratty looking.

She led me down a hall, and into a room, which I was guessing was hers. "I'm sorry about them. That was my brother Josh and his friend Cole. They're annoying," she shook her her head and began rummaging through a pile of swimsuits.

She pulled out a orange, flowy bikini and handed it to me. "The bathroom is right across the hall."

I nodded and walked across the hall and pushed open the door. It smelled really bad, and shampoo bottles, tissues, makeup, medicine bottles, etc. covered the sink counter top.

I held my breath and quickly got changed into the swimsuit. I tightened the straps as tight as they could go, but it still didn't fit.

I held onto the top as I hurried into Paige's bedroom. "It doesn't fit," I said. Paige examined me carefully. "You're small and short like my sister," she grabbed my wrist and yanked me down the hall into another room.

It was bright pink with posters tacked all over the wall. Even a picture of me was there. Was this what a normal teenage girls' bedroom looked like? I wasn't friends with normal people.

A girl with dark hair sat on the bed, flipping through an issue of Seventeen magazine. "What do you want, Pai-"

The girl's jaw dropped as her eyes settled on me. "Oh em gee! Chloe Lukasiak is in my room," she squealed. "What do you need? A magazine, lipstick? You can have anything!"

Paige nodded. "Chloe doesn't fit into my bathing suit and we're going swimming with Josh and Cole."

Brooke nodded and stood up. She tossed the magazine to the side and opened her closet. After going through tons of bathing suits, she pulled out a strapless bikini. The top was teal while the bottom was just plain white.

After changing again, the girl freaking out that I was wearing her bathing suit, and the girl making fun of Paige, we all piled into one car and made our way to the public pool.

Once Josh signed us in, we found 5 pool chairs and laid our towels out.

I sat on the edge of the pool and put my feet in. Paige sat next to me, gently kicking her feet around.

"Listen... I'm really sorry about my older sister. She's basically the definition of a white girl," she smiled.

I giggled. "It's fine. I kinda am too."

Why was I laughing with Paige? She was annoying and disgusting. And I was at a public pool, so why was I happy? Was my inner non-famous person shining through?

I looked around the pool area. Tons of people were crowded into the huge pool area. There was two pools; one that only went from 1 foot to 3 foot, where mostly all the babies and mothers were. The other pool was separated by a fence. It had a slide and diving board. It was big, and went from 4 foot to 12 foot. I was currently with Paige in the deep pool, considering putting my feet in the shallow pool would be like putting my feet in a bucket of little kid pee.

I mean, it was a public pool, so pee was practically everywhere anyways, but still.

I pulled my feet from the water and stood up. Josh and Cole were by the diving board, arguing over who was going first.

Time to work your magic, Chloe.

I sashayed over to where Josh and Cole were. I stepped up on the diving board and slowly walked down the board for dramatic affect.

After I was a few inches away from the end, I began to run forward and jumped up. I did a front flip and landed in the water.

Normally, I wouldn't have gotten one hair on my head wet in this chlorine/pee filled pool, but this was different. Josh was a complete hottie, and I needed to impress him. Maybe if I'm seen on the cover of the magazines with Josh instead of Paige, I won't have to hang out with the loser. That's two pluses.

I swam to the surface and grinned at the two boys, who stared at me.

"That was awesome, Chlo!" Josh exclaimed. I grinned and climbed up the ladder to get out of the pool. "I learned how to do that during my movie, Mermaid Girl."

I suddenly heard a laugh. "Mermaid Girl? Are you kidding me? That's the stupidest movie name I've ever heard," Paige said.

I glared at her. "Well, at least I've been in a movie," I flaunted. I began to walk over to my stuff. I pulled my sundress over my head and grabbed my purse. I was leaving this dumb.

"At least I'm not a spoiled little bitch!" Paige yelled.

"At least I don't have to hang out with a celebrity because I'm not untalented!" I shrieked. And before I knew, Paige lunged forward, punching me in the face.

I stumbled backwards and right into the pool with my designer purse.

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