Chapter Nine

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I grinned as I drove down the street, my new Collin York CD playing in the background. Because Paige had been doing so much for me lately, I decided to take her on a shopping spree and for lunch as a surprise. After all, she'd become friends with me after she was forced too by Mr. Tabith, she let me come over for Thanksgiving, and more.

I pulled into Paige's driveway and got out of my car, walking up the driveway to the Hyland's door. 

Even though I hadn't informed Paige of our plans, I knew she wouldn't be doing anything today. From what I knew, she spent her days watching Netflix and reading when she wasn't modeling, but from what I heard, Mr. Tabith hadn't found many modeling jobs for the month.

I knocked on the door and stepped back to wait for somebody to answer the door. After a few seconds the door opened, revealing an exhausted looking Josh. He had bags under his eyes and his normally perfect light brown hair was messed up, sticking up in every direction. He sadly had on a shirt, but he also had on sweatpants that hung low at his hips, revealing his plaid boxers.

"Uh, hi." I stuttered. He looked really cute, even though he was so tired looking.

"Hey." He said tiredly. "Did you forget something here on Thanksgiving? If you did you can just-"

"I'm actually here for Paige," I cut off. 

"She's not home."

I furrowed my eyebrows together. Not home? "Well, where is she?"

"Uh, I don't know." Josh stuttered. "I think she said she'll be home in a few hours, so..."

I nodded. "Yeah, thanks. I'll just go home-"

"Why don't you stay here?" Josh asked. My eyes widened and Josh's cheeks turned pink as he stuttered, trying to cover up what he said. "You know, so you don't have to waste gas and stuff. You can just hang with me while you wait for Paige."

I nodded. "Yeah." I smiled. I had plenty of money to pay for the distance between mine and Paige's house, and I could wait at home alone. But I more than anything wanted to stay with Josh. 

He led me inside the house to the living room before shutting the door and sitting down beside me on the couch. We sat in silence as we stared at the TV, which was playing re-runs of Friends.

"Won't Kendall get mad that I'm with you?" I blurted out.

Josh sighed. "I broke up with Kendall."

"I thought you said you loved her.." I said. "That's what you said at Thanksgiving."

He shrugged. "I don't know.. She was just really clingy sometimes. I mean, she was sweet and I guess I liked her, but she just got mad at me for everything and we fought a lot."


"Let's just watch a movie." Josh said. He stood up and walked over to the TV set and turning on some game system before sititng back down next to me. He got on Netflix and went to his account and looking over at me. "What do you wanna watch?" 

I bit my lip. "Hm... Mean Girls!"

He groaned. "Oh my gosh, not that! That movie is so girly!"

"What?! It's not girly!" I defended. "There's tons of boys! Please? It's such a funny movie."

 He sighed. "My sister's quote this movie all the time. I'd really rather not watch a movie about a girl named Glen Coco."

I giggled and poked his stomach. "The main character isn't Glen Coco. The main character is Cady Heron!" I explained. "Cady is my spiritual animal."

"This dumb movie is about an animal named Cady?" Josh exited out of the movie. "No thanks. I would rather watch something else."

"She's not an animal!" I said. "Please, Josh! It's so funny!"

Josh groaned. "Fine."

"Yes!" I shrieked. "Thank you!"

He sighed and turned on the movie, leaving us in silence as we watched the movie. 

"You're right. It was funny," Josh said after the movie had ended. "But if you tell either of my sisters I agreed to watch this- and actually thought it was funny- you will pay."

I stuck out my tongue. "Oh, really?" I pulled out my phone and clicked on the call app, pretending to be calling Brooke. I held the phone up to my ear while I pretended to act like it was ringing. "Hello? Brooke? This is Chloe. I just wanted you to know-"

I quickly let out a shriek as Josh lifted up a pillow and began to chase me around the living room. "Josh watched Mean Girls!" I shrieked.

"You're going to pay!" Josh yelled. As I made my way to the couch, Josh pushed me to the side and pinned me down, sitting on me while he held my arms up behind my head. My phone dropped to the ground and Josh looked over to see that I hadn't even been talking to Josh.

"You didn't even talk to Brooke?!" 

"No!" I giggled. "See? Now just let me free and all is we-"

I was quickly cut off by Josh tickling my sides, making me shriek and curl over as I tried to get him to stop. "Josh! No, no! Stop!" I groaned as he continued to tickle me. 

He laughed as he continued to tickle me. I quickly pulled his arms away, making him almost fall right on top of me, but he stopped himself by putting his arms on each of my sides. Our faces were centimeters apart, and I could smell his minty breath on me.

"I hate being tickled." I whispered as I stared up into his blue eyes. I felt like he was about to kiss me.

Wasn't this wrong? To come see your friend, but ending up having a tickle fight with her brother and almost kissing him? He just broke up with his girlfriend. Wouldn't this be whore-ish?

But all the thoughts vanished as his lips crashed into mine. He kissed me. And I kissed back.

After a few seconds he pulled away and he continued to stare at me. "Sorry." He whispered. "I-I shouldn't have kissed you, I'm sorry."

I smiled. "No, no... It was nice."

"It was?" He asked.

I nodded. "Yeah..." I lightly pushed him off of me and climbed off of the couch to gather my things. "You know, I have to meet somebody, but... maybe we could hang out again sometime? This was nice." I smiled.

He smiled back at me. "Yeah. Here, let me give you my number!" He quickly fetched a sticky note and pen and scribbled down his phone number before handing it to me. 

"I'll text you later." I said. I quickly gathered my jacket and purse before heading out to my car. I sat down in my car.

I didn't start the car right away. Instead I just sat there, letting it sink in. A grin spread across my face and I shrieked.

I kissed Josh Hyland.


hey! i know i haven't updated in awhile but the story is finally starting up and yeah.

 i want to start getting more votes and comments, so if this gets 10 comments and 15 votes, i'll update very soon!

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