Chapter Seven

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I sat on a stool in the kitchen, staring at the clock. Mom and Dad were supposed to be here soon- to be exact, in 3 minutes. Tomorrow was Thanksgiving, and I really didn't want to spend it alone. Yeah, my parents weren't the nicest, and yeah, they left me alone a lot. But still, it was Thanksgiving, and I wanted my parents here for the holiday.

I sighed as I watched the clock change from 4:59 to 5:00. I knew they weren't going to be right on time, so I waited.

I waited for 10 minutes until 10 turned to 20 and then I had been sitting there for 45 minutes, watching the digital numbers change.

I finally picked up my phone and began to dial mom's phone number in. After a few rings, she answered.

"Hello?" She asked cheerfully.

"Where are you? You said you guys would be home at 5. It's 5:45."

Silence filled the phone, and she didn't say a word.

"Hello? Are you there?"

"Chloe, honey... Dad and I won't be home for Thanksgiving," she said quietly.

"What?" I said.

"Listen, Chlo, I'm so sorry. It's just that your dad's jo-"

"No, you're not sorry. If you actually loved me, you wouldn't let dad's stupid job get in the way," I spat. "So you know what? Go freaking spend hundreds of dollars on your fancy food while I'm home alone. Happy fucking Thanksgiving."

I hung up the phone, slamming it down on the table. They aren't coming. Why? Because you're a bitch to them 24/7. They're busy a lot, and you don't even accept it. You just whine and cry because you don't get to eat a 'special' meal with your parents.

I felt the tears bubble up, threatening to spill over. Don't cry, you little baby. Some people don't even get a Thanksgiving dinner. And here you are, crying in a huge mansion with tons of money.

I let out a cry as I set my head down on the table. I just wanted my parents here. I was tired of sitting in this empty house alone (well, minus the workers), while my parents worked around the country, too busy for their own daughter. I've been alone basically all my life. If they didn't want me around, why did they even have me? To say that their daughter was a success like them? Even though they acted like they were proud of my acting and modeling, my mom never knew when I got a new role, and I'm pretty sure my dad couldn't name one thing I had been in.

I began to cry. It wasn't like a small little sob. It was loud cries, that filled up the whole house. My face was hot and tears streamed down my face as my body shook from crying so hard. I felt like I was going to puke.

As I calmed down, I stood up from my spot in the kitchen. I made my way to the basement and into a room I had never been in- the bar. I pulled the key out of the fake plant and unlocked the door. I buried the key back in the dirt and walked into the bar. The bar was a huge room with a wooden bar, a small couch and TV, and a rack and mini fridge filled with alcohol. My parents weren't alcoholics or anything, but whenever I was younger they would have friends over a lot where they would drink wine and beer in here. They never got really drunk or anything and the room was never used for parties, so I guess we just had because we were just rich enough for it.

My mom had let all the workers off for Thanksgiving because they were supposed to be here, so there was nobody that could stop me. I could drink every last bit of alcohol in this place, and nobody would know. I opened the mini fridge and looked around, before pulling a bottle of wine off the shelf. It was a weird color, that kinda looked like apple juice. I pulled out a wine glass and sat it on the bar. I poured some wine into the cup and walked to the other side to sit down on one of the bar stools.

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