Chapter Six

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The next day after Paige went back home, I had filming for my movie. I hadn't seen Caesar since the incident at Starbucks, and I was hoping he wouldn't still be angry. Like he said, he's my best friend, and best friend's forgive each other.

After I signed into the desk for filming, I put my stuff into my dressing room. I quietly walked across the hall to see Caesar sitting in his dressing room, his head in his hands.

"Caesar?" I asked quietly, stepping in. I didn't want to interrupt whatever he was doing because I still didn't know if we were on good terms.

He looked up at me. His normal pale face was red and blotchy, and his eyes were watering. "What?!" He asked angrily.

"What happened?!" I hurried over to him.

"Victoria broke up with me," he sobbed. He stuck his face back in his hands as his shoulders began to shake.

Victoria Fortier, like Caesar was an actor. They were co-stars in a movie about a 2 years ago, where they met. After about a year, they began dating, and had been dating since then. They were a very popular "ship" as people called it, and many people believed they would get married. Even though Victoria wasn't the nicest to me, Caesar seemed to love her.

"Oh my gosh, Caesar... I'm so sorry," I sat down next to him. "Did she say why?"

He lifted his head again. "I don't know... Something about wanting to focus on her career."

"Well, guess what? If Victoria breaks up with you for a stupid reason like that, than she obviously isn't right for you," I said. "One day a girl will come around, and obviously Victoria isn't it."

He sniffed and looked up at me. "Thanks... But I thought you were mad at me."

I shook my head. "No... I just got frustrated." I sighed. Even with his blotchy skin and messy hair, he still looked cute and I wanted more than anything to kiss him and tell him that I was the right one all along.

"Flent! Lukasiak! Coffee and makeup are ready!" A man called through the door. He was one of the many workers who's name I hadn't bothered to learn.

Caesar stood up and grabbed a box of tissues. "Let's go," he said quietly.


"Can we go to Starbucks?" Caesar whined. His elbow was propped up on the window of my car as we drove through the town. We had finished filming for the day (which was luckily only 3 hours for us) so we decided to go out to lunch.

"I went there like, two days ago," I said. "What about... Ooh! There's a new sandwich shop right there."

Caesar shrugged. "I don't want a sandwich. I want soup and coffee," he whined. Man, he was really whiny today.

"Great! 'Uncle Bob's sandwiches, soups, coffees, and desserts'," I read from the sign. I pulled into the parking lot and got out. Caesar groaned and followed me.

"Stop complaining!" I poked his stomach. "There's a lot of people here, so that means the food is probably good, right? And we can go mini golfing after!"

He sighed. "Fine."

Once we got inside, I looked around the semi-packed restaurant. The place kinda reminded me of Panda Express, because you could see the people cooking the food behind you, and you could get good to-go or sit down. I actually loved places like that because if I ended up liking it, then I could just get it to go one day and leave, which is extremely useful.

"Ooh, Caesar! The girl taking orders is cute. Go take our orders," I ordered.

He sighed again. "What do you want?" He asked.

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