Chapter Eight

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"She's probably not coming," Josh said. "I mean, she's a celebrity. She probably decided to go to have Thanksgiving dinner with the Kardashians and didn't tell you."

"You're so stupid, Josh," Brooke said. "The Kardashians are in the Hamptons, not California!"

I rolled my eyes at both of them. "She told me she was coming. We can eat when she gets here."

"Please!" Brooke whined. "Mom already finished the turkey."

"She said she would-" I was suddenly interrupted by a knock on the door, making me smirk. "See? She's here."

I got up and walked over to the door to answer. I pulled it open to reveal Chloe, standing there in a cream colored sweater with a maroon scarf, jeans, and black booties. "Happy Thanksgiving!" She grinned.

I stepped aside, letting her step inside. Even though we lived in California, it still had been fairly cold (around 50 degrees) so it was cold enough for us to wear sweaters and stuff, even though we wouldn't be outside.

I closed the door after she stepped in and led her to the couch. "Hey, Chloe," Brooke smiled at her. Ever since Chloe and I had been hanging out more, Brooke had become more calmer and didn't freak out as much when Chloe came. But she still didn't act normal, but I guess that's as calm as she'll get because she's such a big fan.

"Hey Brooke," she gave her a small wave. "Happy Thanksgiving."

"Thanks!" Brooke giggled.

"Thanks for inviting me, Paige," Chloe smiled. "It really means a lot to me."

I smiled back. "No problem... I mean, everybody needs somebody during the holidays. I couldn't let my friend spend Thanksgiving alone."

She grinned at me before quickly throwing her arms around me. It startled me, but I quickly hugged her back.

"Thank you so much," Chloe whispered.

"You're welcome."

We pulled apart and I bit my lip, feeling awkward once again. "Uh, I'll go see if the food is ready." I said. Chloe nodded and sat down on the couch, and began to scroll through something on her phone. I hurried into the kitchen where mom was mixing a bowl of mashed potatoes.

"Mom, Chloe's here. Is the food ready yet?" I asked, looking around at the food. Because all of our family lived in Pennsylvania, we couldn't spend the Holidays with them, so we just got a small amount of food to eat among the 5 of us. I didn't mind that we didn't spend Christmas or Thanksgiving without my other family members because it's always been this way. It would just be awkward spending Thanksgiving with people I've only heard updates about on Facebook. I liked just having this small little dinner with my friend and family, because I was truly thankful for them.

"I just have to finish the mashed potatoes, but that will only take a few more minutes. Can you set the table?" She asked.

I nodded and grabbed a stack of plates. I carried it into the dining room and sat each plate on the table, along with a folded cloth napkins and silverware. After my mom finished the food, I helped her carry the food into the dining room, and we called my siblings and Chloe into the dining room.

Everybody sat down around the table and we all said a prayer before we began to eat. I quickly piled up my plate with mashed potatoes, turkey, and a roll, and after we had all gotten our first plate of food, we began to chat.

"So, Chloe... Paige told me your parents can't come for Thanksgiving..." My mom trailed off. "I don't know if your parents are gone a lot, but I just want you to know you are welcome here whenever."

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