Chapter Thirteen

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"Stop! Get off of me!" I screeched. He wouldn't freaking listen, and he continued to suck on my skin as he kissed me, his hands all over my body.

My sweater was now laying on the ground and Cole had began pulling up the side of my dress.

I screamed and brought my knee up to his crotch. Cole backed away as he groaned, cupping himself as I bolted out of the room.

I let out a sob as I ran down the hallway. I wanted Josh. I wanted to go home. I wished I never left Mom and Dad.

As I headed into the dark dance room, I tried looking around for Josh. My legs felt like jello, and I could still feel Cole touching and kissing me, like I was a doll that he owned.

"Josh!" I croaked over the loud music. Nothing. People continued to dance with each other, and every time somebody touched me, I was afraid Cole was coming back to finish what he started. "Josh!"

Josh immediately appeared, grinning as a petite brunette stood next to him. "Oh, Chloe! I wanted you to meet my friend, Francesca."

"Please take me home," I took a shaky breath as I tried to regain myself. But I couldn't. He kissed me when I didn't want to be kissed, he was sucking on my skin, he put his hands on my body, and I felt sick to my stomach. I suddenly felt uncomfortable in my own skin.

"What, why? I thought you were having fun," he said with a pout.

"I want to go home!" I demanded. "P-Please!"

Josh sighed and whispered something in Francesca's ear. She giggled and nodded before heading off to a table in the corner, leaving Josh and I alone.

"What happened?" Josh asked, suddenly concerned.

"If you don't take me home, I'm going to walk home alone," I whispered. I scratched at my neck as I tried to get the feel of Cole off my skin.

"Fine," Josh sighed. "I'll take you home."

He fished his keys out of his pocket and led me out of the crowded building, into the parking lot.

Josh started the car and music began to blast. Josh was silent as we drove.

I pulled my knees up to my chest as I put my head down. I began to sob. My lungs felt like they were closing in and I kept feeling Cole pushing me against the wall, his lips on mine. I kept remembering how he pulled my sweater off and lifted up my dress. He tried to rape me, and I felt unsafe and I wanted to die.

"Chloe," Josh said quietly. "Something happened in there, and I want to know what-"

"Nothing happened!" I snapped as I lifted my head. "Just leave me alone. I never wanted to come here anyways, so why can't you just let me be in peace?"

I sighed in relief as Josh stayed silent for a few seconds, but he ignored me and kept talking. "I thought we were friends. Why can't you tell me what happened?"

"Because," I said quietly. "I don't want to talk about it. You'll hate me and won't believe me."

"Why would I hate you?" Josh asked. "Oh my gosh, did you used to date Cole?"

"No!" I shrieked. "He fucking tried to rape me, Josh!"

The car fell silent, the only noise Taylor Swift telling me to Shake It Off.

"Oh my God." He whispered. "Chloe, oh my god! I-I... I'm so fucking sorry, I never thought he would go after you. I should've known he would've done something to you."

He continued to ramble as we drove. "It's fine." I said quietly. It wasn't.

Josh pulled into the driveway. I pushed open the door and began to quickly walk up the driveway, the cold air nipping at my arms.

I heard Josh's door slam and he began to follow me up the driveway.

I turned around. "What are you doing?" I croaked. I knew I had make-up all over my face and I knew he was going to go back and probably make-out with Francesca until the restaurant closed, which made me angry. I wanted Josh. Not that foreign girl, me.

"I'm coming with you," Josh said. "I'm not leaving you alone after this happened."

"I want to be alone." I said quickly. "I don't want you, I don't want anyone right now. Please, just leave me alone."

"You know, I'm trying to be nice," Josh said. "Why won't you stop being a fucking brat for a second and let someone help?"

"Oh, I'm sorry!" I yelled. "Let me just comfort you, I know you're so freaking traumatized over this incident!"

Josh's face softened and he reached out to touch me.

"Don't touch me!" I shrieked. "Just leave me alone, for God's sake!"

I ran into the house, slamming the door behind me. I slid down the door until I was sitting down, my face in my hands.

I heard Josh's car start again and he pulled down the driveway.

I let out a sob.

He didn't stop me.

Lights, Camera, Action // PH & CLOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora