Chapter Twelve

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Sophia was gone, Theo was disappointed, Tyler didn't understand a thing. To top it all, the gala got annulled until another date.

But God thanks, we gathered a respectable amount of money to the organization to help the cancer suffering people.

To put it short:Yesterday was a disaster!

We got some reports, it said that the errors that happened weren't accidental but a work of someone and it was done neatly, until now we are stil investigating.

Theo tried a lot to call Sophia, and finished by giving up, saying that she needed some space and to leave her alone.

Bitch! Are you kidding me!

When I woke up, I remarked that Theo didn't stay the night, and remarked some blood stains on his bed.

Returning to his house, he wasn't there,  so I waited for him in the living room after I showered and changed, he didn't came at time, so I decided to do the laundry.

Opening the washing machine, I remembered Theo, so I went to his room to gather some of his clothes, i went to his room and found the clothes he wore for the gala and went to start the washing process.

But, what kept my attention was the blood stains in Theo's shirt.

I decided to give him a call.


-"Abel! Sorry bro, I don't think that I can make it tonight, I went to a meeting in the town two towns next to ours and I-"

-"Wait! Are you okay?"

-"Sure! Why asking?"

-"Aren't you hiding something from me?"

-"Abel? What's going on?"

-"I am actually doing the laundry, and I found your shirt"


-"And...I actually found blood stains on it"


-"Are you hurt Theo?"

-"What? NO! What are you talking about Abel"

Then, something clicked in my head


I finished the call before he can finish his sentence.

God please!

Oh no!

No no no no no no nooooo

I rushed out of the house fetching my wallet before exiting, I took a cab and headed to destination.

The cab refused to go further than the bus station, so I gave him his money and ran towards the house.

It was silent and scary, to tell the truth, I felt some evil vibes coming from the house, I went to knock on the door, but then, something caught my attention, it was dark, darkness wasn't something usual in this household, but then, I thought about something bad happening, so I did something stupid, I opened the door and rushed inside.

-"SOPHIA!" I screamed

I heard some shuffling by the kitchen and went there, but was surprised by a shadow of a man.

-"Hello?" I said

-"Well well! You should blame your bad luck boy" He spoke with a husky voice, seeing his huge features I was surprised by the calm in his voice

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