Six - Drat It

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William awoke early the next morning, having had a fitful sleep, with an unforgiving ache in his jaw.

He groaned and rolled out of bed. Wishing at times like this, he had not opted to fire his valet, and had the boy to bathe and dress him.

Mustering the energy to do so, he proceeded freshening up and making himself appear decent to tackle the day. Last night, he wondered, had not turned out as expected. What had he been expecting? He wasn't quite sure. But definitely not to be punched. Punched. By the mere slip of a girl no less! If George ever got wind, he'd never hear the end of it. His tongue subconsciously darted out to lick his bottom lip. Grazing over the small split on his lip, where she had clipped him nicely against his teeth, cutting open the delicate flesh. He groaned, hoping no one would look too close.


"You have a busted lip." George quipped, the joy evident in his voice.

William groaned again, inwardly, looking up from the morning paper at his breakfast table. He had been so concentrated within his own thoughts, he hadn't heard the other men come down to break their fast.

Returning his eyes to his paper, he replied quite curtly, "it is a shaving accident."

"It's busted. Not cut." George snorted his disbelief. "Plus, you don't shave."

Drat it.

He was quite right. Even as a young teenager during puberty, he had a habit of calling in a professional to deal with that task. George quirked a brow at him as a smirk glided onto his lips.

"Indeed. I am merely embarrassed to admit it was as a result of me stumbling over in my foxed stage last night."

"You had but one drink." Charles provided helpfully, joining his brother with a growing curiosity. Forsaking his omelette for the table conversation.

"Mayhap tell us the truth?" George provided, allowing the staff to serve him. His eyes never leaving his brother. "Mayhap it had something to do with your wife storming out of her bedchamber last night, no?"

William stilled. His grip tightening on the paper and threatening to rip it to shreds. He almost lost his temper when both brothers turned to each other and exchanged a look. Before they began roaring with mocking laughter. Every note rang loud in his ears and felt like a string snapping for every thread of patience he had left.

William rolled up the newspaper and stood to leave. His breakfast suddenly seeming unimportant. As he walked past, he whacked George over the head with a firm hit. Boxing him squarely on his ear. The man winced and shouted out in pain, though his eyes did not lose their amused glitter.

"I cannot believe he conceded to your terrible advice. On one who gave him no reason to suspect she wanted his advances!" Charles howled with laughter. "What a fool!"

So they had been in cahoots! William thought grimly. Though it irked him so, he found himself strangely pleased that his brother had addressed Mia as "she" rather than "it". Prejudice aside, all three brothers took a certain indulgence in their sibling rivalry and humiliation. This matter betwixt William and his Wife, was no different.


Bethany had finished morning meal upon waking up at ten. She had enjoyed her late morning starts and secluded morning meals in her chambers upon marriage. Now, she checked left and right, before heading to the west wing. If memory serves her right from the countless conversations her husband had about his childhood home, the new countess ought to be situated near her husband in the west wing.

"Right about here?" She muttered to herself as she turned into the hallway of the first floor.

No sooner had she brushed past the Earl's chambers, did she hear the mumbling of voices drifting down the corridor from the stairs. Her body froze momentarily as she panicked and blanched all at once. Grabbing her skirts, she looked left, right, and dove into the doors to the right. Careful not to rattle the doorframe as it shut. Her chest heaved as she steadied her breathing.

Her eyes opened to find herself in a small room. Mayhaps a study, or a private library. If the shelves and shelves of books flanking the walls was anything to go by. She leaned an ear on the door, anticipating the sounds.


"My lord," Colin dipped his head as the Earl stopped him. The middle-aged butler's eyes darted immediately to the cut on his master's lip. "Something to relieve your injury, my lord?"

William's eyes narrowed to him and his jaw snapped. "No!" He snapped hastily like an insolent child. "There's no injury, Colin."

The butler raised a disbelieving brow. "I believe his lordship may have missed it in the morning, it appears to be bruising. I will fetch you something cold to soothe the swelling-"

"-there's nothing there! She didn't-." He stopped himself abruptly. Eyes slanting away slyly.

"She? My lord?" Colin's lips twitched with the urge to smile. He had watched the boy alongside his nannies and parents, growing from but a babe to the man he was today. He knew when the lad was lying, before the lie was even omitted. It helped that he had overheard at breakfast and the gossip amongst the servants this morning.

William grumbled something incoherent. To which the butler merely responded, "my lord?"

"I said, i fell over last night after having got quite foxed with my brothers."

"Indeed, my lord."

"Yes!" He snapped back, unable to meet the butler's eyes. For he knew he'd see the same amused glint the others had worn. "Nothing more, nothing less, that is the end of that matter. Is that clear, Colin?"

"Very good, my lord." He nodded dutifully. "I shall also assign Lady Berkeley a maid. She seemed to have lost her way to her bedchambers last night. Even after having left them in the first place for a late night excursion."

William's eyes flickered to his servants. The man had a knowing look that spoke volumes. His tone borderline amused. The bloody bastard is mocking me!

William grunted in response. "Yes, it ought to have been done sooner."

"Of course, my lord. I shall endeavour not to repeat this slack in assigning duties in the future." He quipped, lips almost betraying him in a small smile.

He dismissed himself and continued on as William scowled at his disappearing back. Glaring daggers at the loyal family butler.

Was there anyone that didn't know he got hit by the Wife last night? Dratted gossips! He was so focused on his annoyance, that he missed the soft closing of the first floor study opposite his bedchamber. Instead, choosing to enter his chambers without noticing.


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