Nine - Quite the Show

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'Get away from him you uncouth bastards!' Mia threw the last of the small stones in her hands at the mob of lads.

They raised their arms to shield from her attack and cursed back in foul, devil tongues. A prominent insult of "half-breed" echoed loud and clear.

'Better that than a thieving scoundrel to rob a defenceless man!' She spat back. Threatening to swing the small branch she'd grabbed from the floor.

Zebediah looked up in awe at his saviour not once, but twice now. He had tried to slip out unnoticed two days after meeting them. Only to be attacked by local thugs for his meagre riches. The attire of a wealthy Lord proving too much temptation to risk. Especially after the chit had washed and mended them. Good as new. Ripe for the picking by these petty criminals.

'Mia, get away, child, they'll have you too!' He tried to push at her leg.

'Oh don't you worry you old fool.' She snapped back, offering her hand out to hoist him up.

'Aye. You needn't worry dear friend.' The deeper voice of her father sounded behind him. The click of his pistol loud and clear.

The boys turned tail and fled. Shouting abuses a plenty.

'All bark and no bite, as usual.' He took Zebediah from his daughter and smiled at the man. 'Come, looks like you'll be in need of a strong brew!'

Zebediah bowed his head in shame. Something in him snapped. The dark desire to end his life finally lifted and he wept. Silently. As his new family walked him home and began the long process in healing a broken man.


William froze as a deer spotting the hunting hounds would. He ought to dash away like one, but he remained, transfixed by the sight before him, and utterly confused.

"My lady!" Came the startled cry, as the young woman beside his Wife panicked. She tried to throw herself in front of her mistress's exposed back. Using her own skirts and nearly revealing her own bloomers.

Nancy? William thought. Mia's assigned lady's maid, Nancy, the young spritely thing, had been training under the His housekeeper for the past few years. She had currently been unlacing her new mistress's stays. The long winded process to undress for bed and sleep. When he had unceremoniously barged in.

He balked at the sight. Unable to tear his gaze from the display of bare skin. Evenly tanned and supple to the eye.

"I-I-" he stammered like a fool.

Mia met his eyes in the mirror, her gaze ever unflinching and controlled. Damnation! How does she do that!


Mia gently grabbed Nancy's arm as the panicked girl tried kept trying to use the material of her own dress to conceal her mistress. Her panic palpable like that of a frightened horse about to bolt.

Nancy calmed immediately and looked in the mirror to see her Lady already staring back. Mia tilted her chin down in an authoritative nod, letting the girl know it was alright. A silent understanding passed between them, and the maid effectively dismissed herself. Scurrying past William as if he were the devil himself. And not her master of nearly a decade! Though he barely noticed her slamming the door behind her, face as bright as a ripened tomato.

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