Thirty-Three: Hangman's Tale

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"Jesus!" Leo jumped back cursing.

Mia's body swung out, legs kicking uselessly in the air climbing invisible stairs, as her fingers clawed at her neck.

The horse skittered but Leo forced it into the stall, backing it up until Mia was able to stand upon its back. She caught on quick and struggled to find her balance.

It was over within a matter of seconds.

Mia gasped, chest heaving and eyes streaming from fright. Her knees buckled but Leo was already supporting her with his hands, having expected this. She breathed rapidly through her nose as her hands tore at the noose.

Shaky fingers managed to pry it loose enough to slip it over her head. She slumped gently onto Major and slid off the animal into the kennelman's arms.

"Thank-thank you, Leo." She inhaled a shaky breath. "You saved my life."

"My lady, who did this to you?" His tone was serious. "He could still be on the grounds."

She shook her head, trying to catch her breath. "Gone." Was all she said before her eyes dimmed and shock settled in.

Leo grimly led the countess back towards the main house.

George was just leaving for quite a secretive journey to tail a particular redhead in town. He had heard of some unsavoury rumours about the chit and he had to find out for himself if they were true. He was tugging on his riding gloves when he noticed Leo and Mia approaching in an awkward shamble. The younger man was supporting her with his arms around her. Entirely intimate and unusual. Which is what made him stop. Something is wrong.

Then he saw his sister-in-laws face and suspicions became confirmed. He closed the gap in a few long legged strides.

"What happened, Leo?"

He grimaced, his eyes flickering to the woman in his hold. "I found her in the barn. She was h-hang- oh god." He swallowed deeply, voice catching. "Someone had hung her from the rafters, my Lord. Someone had hung her to die!"


George started off at a run before skidding to a halt. "Did you see anyone?"

"No, and neither did the lady. She won't say much more. She's gone into shock."

"Get her inside. I have to scout the grounds. Whoever it was might be lurking."

"Same thought crossed my mind, be safe."

"You be safe, boy. Don't leave the countess and arm yourself. Whoever was this desperate might try again right now. Call Gerty, she knows where the artillery is."

He bolted towards the stables at breakneck speed. His pulse hammering wildly at the thought someone had tried to murder Mia not once, in London, but twice in their own home now.

Some bastard is out to kill my sister. He couldn't fathom it. Panic faded abruptly and reignited as anger and rage. He remembered the wounds she had suffered, the despair William had felt and the injuries Bethany had sustained and Charles' worry over his wife. Someone is trying to hurt my family. His blood boiled in his veins and warmed his body in only a way that anger could.

The next hour went by in a blur.

A messenger boy was sent into town to bring back the Earl and constable.

Gerty sat on the edge of the bed as Mia sat silently propped against a soft wall of pillows. She hadn't said a single word.

Nancy peeked cautiously through the door.

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