Twenty-Six: Into the Deep

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She was falling.

The sensation had her tummy flipping as she was suspended momentarily in the air. Everything around her in utter chaos. Through the upturned carriage window, she could see the team of horses plummeting down with her. Their eyes wild with fear.

It felt like a dream. Only it wasn't.

I'm going to die.

There was a moment of eerie serenity, as she floated weightless - before they crashed.

They hit the water, hard.

She only had a few seconds to gather her wits as water started flooding in. It pooled at her feet and soaked up her dress.


Mia knew she would drown if she kept it on and was dragged under. It weighed too much, her strength too little. She struggled uselessly. Her fingers scrambling against material and cords of her stays.

"Damn the nobles and their heavy artillery made dresses!" Mia let out a scream of frustration. There was no way she could get out of these on her own.

The water rose quickly up her knees. Cool fingers embracing her flesh through the clothes, welcoming her to their icy depths.

The frantic cries of the horses brought her back to her senses. Forget this. She had to try to escape and hope someone would come for her. The carriage tumbled on the surface. With numb fingers, she reached up and pushed against the carriage door, one now above her head, the other below her feet.

The water now at her waist, pushed against the door. Keeping it sealed.

The carriage tilted, groaning as it righted itself and water began pouring in through both windows. Too small to escape through, but big enough to help her drown.

Mia cried out in effort as she threw herself against the door, desperation making her clumsy.

William scrambled out of his carriage and ran to the outcrop. In the murky waters of the lake, he could make out the carriage sinking, only a hands length of space left of the window and the roof. He saw the brief flash of a hand through the window, and his heart lurched. He was going to be sick.

The team of horses were frantically swimming, their bonds and harnesses dragging them down, their cries screeching loud into the night.

They would drown, as would Mia.

Without a second thought, he ripped off his jacket and whatever clothing he could manage. "Charles, go for help!"

"William!" His mother cried out. "Wait!"

He didn't even flinch, and dove straight in after her.


"Bethany!" Charles heard his brother, but he had bolted out of their carriage as soon as he saw what Mia had done. "God bless that woman." His words scraped past his teeth, concern etching his tone as his eyes searched the roadside for his wife.

He spotted her, rather obviously in the shrubs. His heart gave a little lurch and he fell to his knees at her side.

She struggled to sit herself upright, twigs and leaves stuck in her hair, her dress in tatters and a few visible scrapes bleeding on her arms and neck.

"Gerroff-!" She groaned, words muffled into his chest as he held her tightly to him.

"Shut up, woman. I thought I almost lost you!"

"Oh, you should be so lucky!" She grumbled, but he noticed her hands curl into his dress shirt, clutching him for all her worth. She was clearly shaken, and he rubbed her forearms in comfort. "Where's Mia?"

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