Thirteen - If You Can

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Bethany slumped down in her seat on the carriage. Dismissing social etiquette as she silently fumed. She was sat opposite her new sister-in-law as the carriage to the city bumped and jumped on the long knobbly dirt roads headed to London.

Her efforts to unravel a great conspiracy and discover a scandalous secret, bore no fruit. Her sneaking had only ended with her being caught by the butler. The encounter making her cheeks redden at the memory.


"My lady? Mayhap you have gotten lost and thought that my mistress' room is yours?" Colin said cooly, blocking her path to the desk by the window in Mia's room. He had surprised her scavenger hunt of Mia's bedside drawers, by entering through the servant doors. "I shall escort you back to the East Wing where you have been staying with your husband these few months."

Bethany hid her scowl. "I-I was just-"

"I understand, my lady, these things happen." Colin led the way back towards the East Wing and did not leave until she was safely deposited in her bedchamber.

The house servants kept an extra close eye on her after that.


Bethany scowled as she faced the window. Mia sat as far away as possible, pretending to sleep. She and the lady didn't get along, that much was evident throughout the past months of their interesting banter. Their conversations normally consisting of disguised insults and ugly spats. Their past encounters forever lurking as reminders of their standing with one another. Though a reserved understanding stood between both. 'Don't get in my business, I won't get in yours.'

Mia directed her current anger towards that bastard William! The nerve of the man to throw her into a carriage with the despicable woman. Nancy had stayed behind, as Madame Andre's dresses would be ready that night; and the young girl would make the trip to London with Gerty to accompany her. To catch up with them. This did not sit well with Mia, as she had grown truly fond of the young girl, but she knew Nancy would be safe with Gerty. Her husband though, was a different matter altogether. She knew his behaviour was purposeful to avoid her. Well, she'd not give him the chance! Just you try and avoid me you wily bastard. She fumed in silence.

The cogs and wheels of her mind started up with renewed vigour and turned. A plan began to form in her head. One to punish her so called Husband by name. One to emasculate him and have him begging at her knees. She would conquer this battle he had started. Of that, she was sure. After all, she was her father's daughter. And John Arden had been the finest of regiment leaders once upon a time. A fighter, a leader, a soldier, a survivor. It was in her blood.

The carriage journey would last a week to reach the city. There was only so much one could go on, pretending to be asleep.

Yet Mia was saved by the rumbling halt of the carriage. Signifying the end of three journey for the day. The coachman dismounted to help the ladies out.

"Thank you," Mia took his hand and stepped down from the carriage. Glad to be able to stretch her aching limbs after endless hours of being tossed around like spare luggage.

William walked briskly past her into the tavern they'd parked in front of. The coachmen proceeded to bark for stable hands to help untack the horses after the carriages be put away safely. The tavern owner sent out his boy to help the ladies bring in any hand luggage they'd be needing for the night.

She thanked the little lad and relieved him of her luggage. Opting to stand beside Bethany as quietly as possible. William spoke to the tavern keeper. An elderly man with a well rounded build and a smiley greying moustache. Mia fancied he looked like her grandpa, should she had ever been lucky enough to meet the codger.

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