Quick escapes

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As the doorknob turned I prayed that Alexa would walk into the room.

A head peeked in my room.

I sucked in a breath of air.

It wasn't Alexa. It was my mom.

"Hey Claire-bear! How did you sleep?" My mom asked me drawing near the bed. She reached for the covers. "Mom stop!" I yelled at her. "What? You need to chill out!" My mom said. "I'm cold!" I quickly responded. "Well when you get out of bed and get changed you'll be warmer!" Mom said as she started to pull back the covers. She notices that the bed was all wet and asked about it. "Uh, I had a really bad dream and I was sweating when I woke up," I made up. "Well then you'd better air out!" Mom said as she quickly pulled the covers off me. I looked down, in a panic. But instead of as I feared, there were legs instead of my tail!

As my mom walked out of the room Alexa walks in and shuts the door behind her. She shows me her fist and then unclenches it. My tail reappeared. "Haha, you smart one," I said to her as she plugs in the hairdryer.

Once I was all dry we got up to go have waffles, my favorite.

Oh how little did I know then. How little did I know that a tail was just the beginning.

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