Raven Point

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I laid on my bed wondering how my life could get any worse, when my mind made up a rather dangerous thought.

Find the woman, get back your friends. My brain told me.

It was the only way, but how?

I started by going over what I already knew.

This woman can't be a half mermaid, but she went from the lake to the ocean. I suddenly gasped and fell off my bed when I realized, this woman's power, is teleportation.

So, she obviously wouldn't choose the ocean. (other mermaids could get there) and she got what she needed from the bottom of our lake.

She would need somewhere hidden.

Opposite of the ocean is... the mountains! She would have to be in a lake in the mountains!

Raven Point.....
"This mountain is where the Raven lives. Where all the dark magic in the world is held! All the ghosts, witches, and other dark creatures are held," at that point I had started to cry. " Shh, it's just a myth, it's not real," my mom had told me. "It's not real"
I started thinking, Maybe it is real!

I needed to gat to Raven Point, and fast.

Great! Long weekend this week! I thought. Being an only child, my parents took me to many places, and needed ideas of where to go for this long weekend! It was perfect!!

"Mom! I have the perfect idea of where to go for our long weekend!" I said as I dashed down the stairs.

My mom suddenly appeared at the bottom of the stairs. I was running so fast, when I tried to slow myself, I tripped down the remaining steppes and face planted into the wall.

"Oh honey, are you alright?" My mom asked, casually. It wasn't rare that I wound fall and face plant into something.

Quickly standing up, I replied "Yeah. I think we should go back to Raven Point! Remember, the place that scared me when I was little? I'm older now, so I'll be fine. I would love to be able to go back. You know, like new memories, old places? It'd be really cool to-" my mom stopped me. "Sweetie, yes we can go to Raven Point, but slow down when you speak and try not to ramble." My mom laughs and walked away.

I was a terrible liar.

But hey, it was time to pack for my trip!

I would definitely have to pack my big-girl pants.

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