Happy Endings

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We all stood there, stunned at what had just happened.

Alexa grabbed one of Estella's empty potion bottles, and swept the bit of Hunter's ashes into it.

Something inside of me was helping me to stay strong, and not totally lose it.

Perhaps it was the necklace fastened around my neck.

A hand touched my shoulder, when I realized I was looking down. I looked up and noticed a merman with stunning green eyes and black hair.

"You alright?" He asked with a voice that made my insides preform a circus show. "Yeah I'm ok." I responded. "I'm Greyson, the plant dude" he said with a chuckle. Then coughed in embarrassment. "I'm also awkward, if you uh couldn't tell," Greyson told me. I laughed and introduced myself.

Somehow his awkwardness was very attractive.

He then pointed to the water and fire dudes. "Those are my brothers, Hans and Asher. We're triplets." Greyson said.

"So lucky, I'm an only child." I told him.

"GAAAAHHHH!" I heard an ear splitting scream come from one of the cells.

I quickly rushed over to the cell, to see a young woman's tail splitting in half. As her pregnant belly started to disappear, I realized what was happening.

In a few minutes a baby with blazing purple hair, and a grey tail was born.

"Merida! I'm coming!" I heard Asher call. He grabbed the keys and unlocked her cell.

He and the woman, Merida, and Asher hugged and kissed. Apparently she had been pregnant with their baby when she got taken.

Also, with the power cycle, he would have teleportation powers.

Alexa had translated Estella's spell book, and had given everyone the teleportation spell.

"Thank you" I heard Kobus tell me. I spun around and gave him a big hug. Who knew such a little old man, could turn into the Hulk?

As everyone left, it was just me, Alexa, Greyson, Hans, Merida, and Asher. (With the baby of course)

We all said our goodbyes, and last I had to say bye to Greyson.

"When will you be visiting?" He asked me. "Do you know where the South Carolina School of the Arts is?" I told him how I'd recently gotten into the college of my dreams, and it was right by the beach.

He told me he'd be waiting in the reef every Friday night.

We said bye, and I found myself smiling.
ONLY ONE MORE CHAPTERRRRRR!! There will be a book two! Greyson😏 ship name? I need a cute one, so please comment!! Love yall💖💖

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