meeting hannah baker

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naomi.a.kahele first day... new beginnings

noah_kahele383 stop whining, we got this👊🏽

karsen.kahele  good luck little sis, I love you

"Honey, are you ready? I already pulled your car out of the garage for you," my mom peaked her head into my room, smiling at me through the mirror. I definitely wasn't looking forward to my first day at a new school. My brother, who would be starting his new middle school today, was actually very excited.

"Thanks mom, I'll be down in a minute." I kept my voice low, trying to prove my point that I was upset that she made us move across the country and start at a new school.

She walked across the room and sat on the edge of my bed, watching me through the mirror as I finished the final touches on my hair. I did my best to avoid eye contact with her, because I knew once I did, I would crumble and not be mad at her anymore.

"I know that you're upset... but I think this is a great move for you and your brother. We'll be closer to Karsen and, you can make new friends. Especially after what happened at your old-" she put her hand on my shoulder but I brushed her off, standing up quickly.

"We agreed to not bring that up." I snapped. She got quiet and I knew that I shouldn't have caught an attitude with her. No matter how mad she makes me, she's still my mom and it's not my place to be disrespectful.

"I know, Naomi, I'm sorry. I'm just trying to make things better." My beautiful brown eyed mother stared up at me, making me feel bad instantly.

I grabbed my bag, shoving my books into it and looked at her, "I know you are mom." I gave her an apologetic look before hugging her and going downstairs where my keys sat on the counter. I took a deep breath and stepped out of my house.

When I arrived to the school, I was in no rush to go inside. I actually sat in my car for almost 30 minutes until I heard the bell ring and decided maybe it was time to go in. I had to find the counselor office anyways in order to  get my schedule and get a tour of the school.

I kept my head down as I walked through the halls, trying to make myself unknown. The last thing I wanted was any sort of attention on me. I thankfully made it to the office with nobody even noticing me, quietly praising god. Not really.

"Can I help you?" The lady behind the desk said.

"I'm new, I think this is where I'm supposed to go." I said nervously, adjusting the strap of my book bag on my shoulder.

"Oh, yes, Naomi Kahele, transferring from...?" She shuffled some paperwork and then looked up at me through the top of her old lady glasses.

"Hawaii." I answered, giving her a nice smile.

The first thing I wanted to do was to make a good impression at this school. I didn't want to cause any drama, I just wanted to make friends. Even if it meant befriending some of the staff.

"Lovely. So our office aide isn't here today, so I'm going to call down another student, just give me a moment." She shuffled more papers before picking up the phone and calling a classroom I suppose.

I zoned out while she was on the phone, looking around the office. It was mostly plain, a kind of dull blue green color. It was kind of a gross color but hey, it's a school.

A few minutes of awkward silence later, the door opened and in came a beautiful girl with long brown curly hair. She gave me a smile and a small wave before stepping up to the desk.

"I got called in?" She asked.

"Yes, this is Naomi Kahele, she's new here and considering you moved not too long ago, I thought it'd be nice of you to show her around."

"Yes, no problem." The girl smiled and turned to me, holding out her hand. I took a moment to study her features, momentarily shocked at how beautiful she was. I came to my senses and shook her hand.

"I'm Hannah. Hannah Baker."

it's definitely short but I wanted to get it up and posted! I don't know how I feel about it so far , but we'll see where it goes. hope you guys enjoy!!

all the love

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