welcome to liberty high

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liked by j_foley, bryce

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liked by j_foley, bryce.walker, hannahbaker827, and 96 more.

naomi.a.kahele missing home right now, wish I could go back💜💜

skylarlam  we miss you more, come visit soon💜

bryce.walker  what's wrong with liberty high? cute pic by the way😏

I was sitting in the cafeteria at a table by myself. It didn't surprise me, I didn't expect to have any friends on my first day. Even Hannah had gone off and forgotten that I was even here. Once she had followed me on Instagram, a lot more students from Liberty High started to follow me too. I hadn't even seen most of these kids in the halls, yet they were commenting on my pictures.

I stared down at the bowl of fruit I had packed for lunch and sighed not even wanting to eat it anymore. The fruit here was nothing compared to the fruit in Hawaii. At some point during the lunch period I wondered why I hadn't stayed in Hawaii with my aunt. Then I remembered how much I was missing my older sister.

The lunch period seemed to drag on forever, the sounds of students chatting and laughing made me want to get up and leave the school in its entirety, but I knew I had to at least try for my mom.

"Hey, Naomi." Hannah smiled as she sat in front of me with her tray. I looked over to where she was sitting to see a boy staring at her, a sad look on his face. I had learned from one of my early classes that his name was Clay Jensen.

"Hi, Hannah," I replied, giving her a small wave.

"How's your first day going so far?" She asked playing with the food on her tray.

Hannah was truly beautiful and it absolutely stunned me how she didn't have one guy begging to sit with her. Hannah was a girl that you would see in movies. Her voice was sweet and her smile was one that was contagious. Don't even get me started on her laugh.

"It could definitely be better." I said honestly, picking at the food on my plate. "Thank you for sitting with me though. It made my day a lot better not having to suffer alone."

Hannah laughed and shook her head, "Oh no, trust me. Once the jocks get their heads out of their asses and take a second to look around, they won't leave you alone." She nodded her head towards the table where all the jocks were sitting, and my eyes followed. I recognized a few that had followed me, but I hadn't really had a class with them. The day isn't over so I guess we'll see what it holds.

"So, Miss Hannah," I gave her a look, folding my hands together, "Who is off limits here at Liberty High?"

I definitely wasn't one for small talk, but I figured the only way I could make friends with anyone at this school was to at least try and be interested in the boys here.

"Everyone is pretty much free. Nobody really dates around here. I'd stay away from the jocks. Justin Foley to be specific." She scrunched her face up as she said his name and I bit my lip. I definitely knew that Justin had followed me but Bryce was the only one to comment.

I turned my head again to look at the table of jocks and cheerleaders, taking my time to take in their looks. They were all good looking but one stood out to me. He was taller than all of them and had dark hair. His shoulders were broad and he had a smile on his face. When my eyes finally landed on him, he was already looking at me.

I could feel my cheeks heat up and turned away quickly, focusing back on Hannah.

"Did you hear me, Naomi?" Hannah said, looking at me as if I was stupid, and to be honest in the moment I probably did look dumb.

"I'm sorry, what?"

"I asked if you wanted to hang out this weekend. We could go see a movie where I work or we could go to a party." She smiled wide, her hands folded in front of her. I felt extremely welcome while sitting at lunch with Hannah. She was the only one who had made time for me and talked to me. She was probably the only friend I would ever make at Liberty High.

"Either sounds great." I nodded and stood up as the bell rang.

"I'll see you in class, bye!" She chirped before running off the meet the boy she was with before.

I promise as the chapters go on, the longer they'll get. I'm just trying to get it started!! This was chapter 2 and it wasn't that great but they'll get better I swear!

all the love

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