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liked by naomikahele, karsen.kahele, jfoley and 783 more.

zdempsey98 weekends away with her are what I live for

naomikahele what would I do without you💜

Zach and I woke up the next morning to the smell of his mom downstairs making us breakfast. We also smelt something burning so that probably meant his little sister was trying to help.

Zach as usual tried to kiss me but I stopped him until we both got up and brushed our teeth. It was Saturday which made the both of us extremely happy that we didn't have to deal with school or anything about the tapes.

We walked downstairs and he gave his mom and sister a kiss and a hug. His sister showed me her burnt pancakes and I couldn't help but at least laugh at the effort she made. Mrs.Dempsey pulled me into a hug and mumbled good morning before rushing back to the bacon on the stove.

"How is your mom, Nao?" She asked over her shoulder. Zach and I sat on the counter next to each other, him playing with my hand.

"She's good, she's probably on call again. She's getting excited though because my sister is supposed to be coming to visit soon." I answered a small smile on my face. I was excited for Karsen to come visit since it had been a few months since I last saw her. Right now I needed her the most but I know she had school. I hadn't decided if I was going to tell her about what happened at the party yet, but Zach insisted that I should.

"That's exciting, isn't it? Maybe both our families can join for dinner? Do you think your mom would like that?" She continued to move over the stove, I couldn't even see what she was doing anymore.

"I think she would love to have a home cooked meal for the first time in a while." I said and we both laughed.

Zach's family and mine always got along ever since we started dating. They met the night of the formal and our moms just kind of clicked. Zach and I were honestly a good couple and nothing makes a mother happier than when their kids are happy. That's probably why they clicked so well. They never really had time to "hang out" or do whatever moms do because mine was always working. Having our families together was probably a good idea.

"So I was thinking, maybe you two could go to the lake house and spend the rest of the weekend there since it's a 3 day weekend." His mom turned around holding up the small key that I knew belonged to the lake house.

"Woah, by ourselves?" Zach asked, hopping off the counter and reaching for the key.

"Yes, by yourselves. Just no partying or funny business." She pulled the keys away from his hand and gave him one of those mom looks. "I just think you both need to get away from Crestmont for a little bit."

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