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Do you know that certain quite old animated movie, when a princess ended up with a green ogre instead of a prince? And the princess came home with his fiancé and her freaked out during dinner, disgusted of his daughter's choice. I felt the same tension. The situation was a bit different: the king was my so-called vampire fiancé, and we were the ones who were visited. But yes, my brother was clearly angry with our case.

We sat in awkward silence, Jungkook held my hand tightly under the dining table. Jimin and Yoongi were there with us, Hoseok decided to pick up the hundreds of liter blood supply from the hospital.

No one dared to say a word. But I wanted to break the suffocating atmosphere.

'So, Taehyung, how's Namjoon and Jin?' I asked him carefully.

'They miss you very much.' he replied softly.

'They sent me a letter, I was about to reply back but you were eager.' Jungkook joined.

Taehyung made an annoyed face. I knew, deep down he wanted to rip my mate's head off.

'What letter?' I was confused.

'Namjoon wrote a letter. They had written they wanted to see you. They gave your Majesty an ultimatum. He should have let them see you within a month or they would have​ come to you... not in a friendly way.' Taehyung answered.

With my other hand, I reached his, I heard a silent growl errupting from Jungkook's throat but I ignored it.

'Listen, dear brother... I didn't plan this... it's fate an-...'

'Fxck this fate thing. You can avoid it, you're a mortal...and what about the girl who always criticized vampires as they were "one of the most heartless creatures in the world", huh? You haven't known the vampire King for long time but you're acting like his girlfriend now?'

I excepted Jungkook to be in rage but he stared at him with straight face. I  knew his words upset him, especially my old thoughts​ about his specie. I squeezed his hand gently but he cut our connection.

'Taehyung. Things change. I know I was a hunter...'

'Was? So you are really turning away...'

'Taehyung. Your sister didn't choose it. Neither did I.  I bet you heard it about this phenomenon. It's rare among us, vampires. And I can guarantee that I love her. You can't do anything but accept this. She loves you, you and you're important to her, probably even more important than I will be to her. So please, keep calm and listen to her.' Jungkook told him calmly.

I looked at Jimin and Suga, who were clearly enjoying our dialogue- couldn't blame them, they were watching a free talk show in front of their eyes.

'I hope you know... if you weren't my mate's sibling, you would face with death. ' Jungkook stated and I flinched.

Jungkook hand grabbed mine once again. He forgot my presence and he wanted me to calm down.

'I know but don't care. I will see my sister when I want to.' Taehyung said.

'Sure. You are her family.' Jungkook nodded.

'And you let her continue her work as a hunter.'

Now everything turned back - again, the air as tense as in the cold war.

'I will take into consideration your wish but don't keep your hopes up.' Jungkook answered to my surprise.

As I saw it, everyone gasped.

'I need to go. Y/N, see you soon.' Taehyung said and hugged me like his life depended on it.

We said our goodbyes, he came out of the palace's door and he was silently walking in the garden.

My heart ached watching him leaving. Jungkook felt it because he gave me a backhug.

'Sorry.' I said sadly.

'For what?'

'For what he said earlier.'

He didn't answer but he planted soft kisses on my shoulder.

'I knew you hadn't been fond of us. But still hurts me. It's not your fault, darling.'

I wanted to let myself out of his embrace but he didn't move an inch. Like a statue.

'Please, stay with me like this a little longer.' his warm breath sent me shivers.


'Will you really think about what...?'

'Maybe I will let you hunt. But not right now, it's too dangerous.'

'Really? And why is it so dangerous?'

'I wish I could tell. But I can't.' he said and started kissing my earlobe.

Clever boy, he wanted to distract me from the forming questions in my head.

'Will you go out with me, Y/N? For a date.' Jungkook asked softly and my heart melted and my cheeks were incredibly red.

'Y-y-yes.' I suttered when he found my sweet spot in my neck as he was kissing down on it.

'When I said I loved you... I meant it. We haven't known each other for sure but I immediately felt the connection between us, when I saw you first after helping that woman... ' he told me and then he turned me around.

He pecked my nose, my cheeks, every single part of my face. There's no words to describe the speed of my heartbeats.

'I will show you something amazing tomorrow.'

I was so excited and I leaned on to kiss his lips when we were interrupted. Again.

'King, we have visitors again.' Jimin said. He was strange, he was so cheerful and sweet most of the time but now he acted strangely.

'Send them away, I want to spend some time with my mate.' he answered angrily.

'It's HIM, Jungkook.' Jimin said in a serious tone.

Jungkook couldn't keep his temper and was about to go on rampage when I grabbed his hand and kissed it. He relaxed a bit.

'Y/N, for once, you should obey me. Come up to our room and don't go down, okay?'

I wanted to ask him about the situation but he quicy left, only stopped to whisper something to Jimin.

As my mate left, Jimin smiled at me dearly and grabbed my hand.

'Let's go up, my duty is to keep an eye on you.'

'I wasn't about to go down...'

Jimin looked at me with a wide grin plastered on his face.

'Okay, I was.'

'You can't trick me.' he said laughing.

'But why didn't let me to go down?'

'Because there's a bad guy here.' he answered shortly. 'I'm positive he will answer to all your questions. Just wait for it.'

I nodded. Jimin was an amazing guy. We talked about their childhood. Those 4 stupid kids were really inseperable. He even showed me photographs about themselves. I was surprised they could be seen in photos. Jimin just laughed about some myths I told him and he corrected me every time.

I realized that I started to accept my fate. And I was really worried about Jungkook. And on the top of those, I had a really bad feeling.

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