Today Might Just Be One Of Those Days

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Today might just be one of those days if the start of it is anything to go by. My thoughts from the previous day about the benefits of daytime sex with my husband are beginning to pale when I find a very awake Paul at 5 am suggesting a repeat performance. I snapped a definite no and rolled over to go back to sleep!

Work was a bloody nightmare because one of the holiday companies have launched a huge sale on the same day that our computer systems went down. There were dozens of would-be holiday makers queueing all day and by the time I left for the day I have never been more relieved in my life, especially after one man who insisted he was a vicar threatened me with hell's fire and damnation if he couldn't get his chosen 2 weeks in Magaluf! He actually made a couple of incorrect bible references that convinced me more than ever that he wasn't a vicar. I went to a catholic school until I was 11 and had to endure mass with my mother every Sunday until I was 16 so I know the more obvious bible references. I resisted the temptation to ask for proof of his 'vicarness' and also managed not to call him a knob aloud.

I was just leaving work when I got a call from Martin's school to tell me he had been hurt whilst playing rugby in PE. The drive to collect him took forever it seemed but once I saw him I was unsure whether to be relieved or to cry. His face seemed to be a mass of bruises and swelling. The teacher was there and explained that my son had taken a clattering on the field and unfortunately once he went down had then been trampled by a couple of other boys. Part of me wanted to tear a strip off the PE teacher, but I knew it was 'just one of those things', wrong place wrong time. Martin was clearly in a little pain but he is quite a tough nut to crack, my Dad and husband always roughed him up quite a bit and I think being my second child rather than my first or last meant he was less mollycoddled.

All the way home I am wondering if I should go via A&E but I also know that I need to get Finn. The school nurse assured me that Martin showed no signs of any concussion but went to great lengths to explain the signs and symptoms of the concussion she was certain he didn't have. By the time I park my car on the drive and am relieved to see Paul's van already there meaning Martin won't be left alone. Entering the house I have to stifle a loud laugh at the expectant look on my husband's face when he sees me, clearly he has figured that mid-afternoon is clearly the optimum time to seduce me if sex at 5 in the morning was a big fat no. I almost feel sorry for him when Martin appears in his line of sight and his face drops, but when he sees the state of our boy's face his earlier expressions are replaced with one of simple parental concern.

Paul goes to collect Finn while I stay at home with Martin who has fallen asleep on the sofa. I keep checking on him and think that although he is growing into a young man, as he lies under a Captain America fleece blanket he is still a boy and will always be my little boy. I sit on the chair opposite him and rather than risk waking him with the sound of the TV I grab my diary, my current one to write in and an old one to read.

Victoria's Diary aged 13 and a half

I am so nervous...I am going to Steven's house for tea, we call it tea, he calls it dinner and he calls dinner doesn't matter what it's called I am going and I am scared. Steven is my boyfriend now and we've been going out for 3 weeks. My Dad has met him and a couple of my brothers...they kind of intimidated him a bit, my brothers, not my Dad, he just laughed. My brothers are all a bit older than me so they're very protective but I told them that Steven's not like that, he's not, we have only kissed, but we have kissed a lot and it is totally amazing. I always used to think snogging was disgusting, especially when it was people I knew. My brothers have all got or had girlfriends and I have caught them all snogging on the sofa or in their cars which was slightly awkward. I have to go or I will be late...

Diary of a Desperate Wife and Mother - aged 35...and a halfWhere stories live. Discover now