Ms.Perfect Has Arrived

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The sun had shone bright today morning, but it was not bright enough for Andrea, she slept till it was 11. Anyways no school  today.

This is the after effects of having an irritating yet adorable brother in the house, who wants to spend all friday nights watching movies.

Well it all seemed good at night, but not on Saturday morning when you are dragged out of bed, and made to clean the messy room.

On top of all this your irritating brother seems to become invisible at that wretched moment.

And you end up cleaning the whole place, spending all the energy you have.

And when you go downstairs expecting a good breakfast, you see all the delicacies being gobbled down mercilessly, by that irritating idiot your brother and giving a smirk at you.

Well this is how all my Saturday mornings start.

I start boiling so fiercely that I don't even remember the words that slip out from my mouth, but I am interrupted in between my tantrum by none other than, my mom.

Who to me always seems to be supporting that creature smiling at me with his mouth full of food,

"Stop it Andrea, you are not a kid anymore, just sit down and eat", she said.

Yeah!, I'm just seventeen, I am a kid, and what does my mom think I should eat?, the table and the chairs or better the house.

Well all my anger cooled down when I saw my bread omelette arriving and I silently ate my breakfast not forgetting to give Luke the deadliest stare.

After my breakfast or maybe lets say brunch as the time is 12.
I don't have much fighting to do, with my brother, as he is going out with his friends, so I'm basically alone at the moment.

I heard a truck honking really really loud, and I get irritated because I have to play my keyboard.

If people keep interrupting me like this how will I ever be perfect for tomorrow's mass, and yes I'm the official keyboard player for the morning mass.

I get up to see what that driver's problem is,

oh my god! that truck can never fit into our lane, what does he propose to do???break down the houses on the street.

Before I start slipping into my imaginary land I realize somebody new is shifting to granny Em's house.
I peeked over to see who it could be.

I found no stranger and then I spotted her, my mouth gaped open looking at her and my goodness she surely was Ms.Perfect.

She looked chic in her denim and white tee, it looked like it was stitched for her.

I looked at myself in the mirror, not too good, well why should I lie, not good at all. I can never look pretty like her,I made up my mind,


These are the kind of girls who make you feel imperfect, like you don't fit in, I am not going to talk to her EVER IN MY LIFE.

Lynn, I heard a lady calling her.

Oh! so that is her name, good name, but why keep these kind of names for such creatures.

After finishing all the loads of home work I have, well I have not still finished it all, anyways the time is 5:00, so I'm going to assume I have finished enough for today,I have a very important job.

I have to meet MY GANG!!!

Well are you ready to see the most craziest gang ever????

I take my bicycle and zoom past her, just caught a glimpse of her face she seemed to look like she was very lonely .


Soon she will be surrounded by all the cool girls and start insulting me and anyways why should I care about how she feels???

Who is she to me?,My friend?.

No,she can never be that. I tried to put her to the back of my mind, but I couldn't.

I was suddenly reminded of how I felt the first day I came to my house.

I was lucky to have Peter who was so kind, he didn't care that I had hay on my hair and mud on my socks he made me feel so comfortable. Maybe she needed some one like that but can it be me?.
I almost fail at everything I try to do when I help others.

I was so much into my thoughts that I didn't notice a truck coming near me.

Peter saved me at the right time, "ANN, LOOK THERE".
I turned exactly at the right time.

Whew!! next time I better concentrate on the road.

"Oh,thank God you are safe, where in the world were you?

I came searching for you Bess,Carl and Andrew are already playing,are you coming or no?".

"Yeah I am!."

Who would want to miss an awesome game of Basketball?, that too with your Best friends?

No,I wouldn't!


Happy Easter!!!!!!!!!!!

Hope you liked the first part!!!!!

And you better not stop reading because its just the BEGINNING (smiles in an evil way)

well if you like better vote for it.....if not comment how I can improve

*signs of eagerly waiting for YOUR REPLY AND VOTES!!!*


April 16th 2017

That perfect Girl By The StreetWhere stories live. Discover now