I don't need your opinion!

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Stop, I heard myself shouting as Peter had put the ball in the basket, I went down on my knees that was the last goal if he hadn't put that it could have been a draw.

And Bess and I, the "losers" could have been spared from buying ice cream for the 3 monkeys smiling idiotically at us.

The moment our mouths spelled out the words "yes" they frantically started jumping up and down on the road like they were 3 years old boys.

Well boys will always be boys no matter how old they are.

Bess and me gave an exasperated sigh and walked with them to"Ice Creams and Cherries"

As we walked in Mary greeted us, yes we were her regular customers.

One chocolate, one strawberry and two butterscotch, am I right??? Mary asked with a bright smile.

We all chorused yes!.

She then hurried off to her other customers.

"Well!, so what did you guys do today from morning?", Andrew asked as he was fidgeting with his phone.

Now that was one thing I didn't like you better talk to me or you talk to that phone.

I pulled the phone from his hand and Bess and me started taking selfies with all the craziest poses possible.

We had to stop because we could feel the hatred the guys were sending us with their glares.

Oh!, you can join us if you want, don't cry!, I told like I was addressing a kid but then Carl was like,

"Hey look at the losers speaking".
And now it was my turn to sulk.

It was not a fair match, it was 2 for 3, but I dare not say that outside because I was the one who said I'll defeat anyone single handedly, they'll use this and tease me for a week.

But I was soon over my bad mood who can be angry when you have friends like them.

I smiled to myself!.



I was in for a scolding I was late,  AGAIN, but no my mom was at the door, she didn't scold me at all instead she just asked me why I was late.

And then let me inside the house with a smile on her face, no she didn't even have an angry face is this some kind of A JOKE? or better a daydream.

No, it was a NIGHTMARE, she was here, sitting on the velvet cushion, cross legged, for a minute it felt like she smiled at me but no she was checking me,

looking me up and down, and I didn't like it because I knew I looked like a circus tent.

My mom had started telling their names and how they are going to stay, by the street.

My mom had now shifted to a topic where Lynn and me are going to be best friends, well my mind had other stories running like how much she hates me and that she looks down on me.

And then my mom threw a bomb, show Lynn your room, go go fast she hushed both of us to the stairs, now I had no other option but to show her the room.

"It's so stuffy, the shelves could have been smaller and the bed bigger it could have looked better", Lynn was saying.

Then I guess she realized that my eyes were staring right into hers because she abruptly stopped and apologized,

"I was just giving my opinion", she said.

"I never asked for it", I returned back spitefully.

She stared right back at me and with a pride in her voice said,

"People ask me for opinions because they feel I have a good taste".

"Well, I'll never be like the girls who worship you!" I told her, she was taken aback, she was not used to people talking to her like that.

"You are jealous of me right?", she asked with a smirk on her face.

It was the truth, but what could I do?. I just turned around and told her, "I want to take rest, Bye!

I go to the most magical place in the world, My Dreams, putting all the other things at the back of my mind.  

What is this horrible music I am gearing now,  it took my slow brain some time to realise that it was the alarm.

Oh!, its Sunday morning and no I'm not ready for it, Keyboard practice and stuff but before all this I should have my coffee, that too at my room's balcony.

One of the best places in the world.

Someone's P.O.V

Oh!! she looks so pretty sitting there,  her lips tasting the coffee from her cup and her eyes dancing in some imaginary world!!!

She is sooo pretty, I cant take my eyes off her but I have to go or I'll be late...

I leave the place with all of my heart given to her.


Well did you like the second part???

Who do you think that P.O.V is????

Well keep guessing.....I'll reveal it when the time is right.

Thank you!!Pleeessseee doooo VOTE!!!

Love you lots <3


April 17th 2017

That perfect Girl By The StreetWhere stories live. Discover now