Falling In love

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A/N : There is no person as Dhruv, instead the character is ASHTON. Sorry for the inconvenience.

"Oh, You play the guitar also??" he asked as he took my guitar into his filthy hands and started playing a horrible, okay maybe not so horrible yet I hated it due to the fact that Ashton was playing it.

It had been only 5 minutes since he had come to my house but wouldn't shut his mouth for a minute.

"Do you have any ideas for the song??" I asked him.

"You know, its a girl's feeling so you should give the lyrics and we can plan the music after that" he said.

"Okay, when will you be free??" I asked him.

"Tomorrow is my Results, so there will be a party if I win and even if I don't I'll be attending the others party, so how about the day after that??, will the lyrics be ready by then" He asked.

I nodded my head  thinking about how stubborn he is,surely he won't win, who would want to vote for him except all the girls and also the guys who thought he was cool which covered nearly 3/4 th of the whole campus.

Who am I kidding??, everybody knows that he will be winning.

I heard the phone ring, it was Ashton's. "I have to leave now, I'm really sorry" he said as he put on his jacket.

As I closed the door behind him I could not explain the void I felt as he left the house.

The truth was that I actually liked his company, it was fun to have somebody in the house after a long time, I didn't feel lonely at least.

I heard Peter's car and I rushed to the balcony to see if he had come, yes he had.

But wait, why is he not stopping here and is going down the street. 

Oh, he has come to meet her, not me. Does he love her??, I kept asking myself. He was the one who said he wouldn't fall in love again after all that happened with Marie.

He loved Marie a lot lot and would have done anything in this world for her. But she left him saying, "I'm too tied up of your love, I can't go anywhere just because you want me to spend time with you, I have grown distant from the people who love me, you have changed me and I don't like it, its best we break up" she said and then she shifted to some other state.

This totally broke down Peter and he never took love seriously after that, so he would just find a new girl every two months or so. Was Lynn also like that?? I really wanted to know.

But I was scared to answer, what if he said he loved her seriously??, then she would never let Peter and me be the same best friends again. I just came to the balcony to relieve my mind, but I ended up finding the answer to the question I wanted the answer for.

 There he was kneeling down in front of her and proposing to her with a beautiful bouquet. This was serious, Peter never knelled down in front of anybody in that way.

I was happy that Peter had found love at last, I wish she doesn't leave him because I could see Peter was very serious about this relationship.

I got a message from Bess : "coming to the beach??, its a gang meet"

I guess they were going to tell the gang about their relationship. I wanted to go but the painters had just arrived and I was stuck at home.

After the painters left I hurried to the beach.
They all were there making fun of each other, Lynn, Peter, Bess, Carl and Andrew.

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